Building a Performance Culture
Lori Power
Owner | MP Benefits Inc. * Industrial Athlete Benefit Specialist * Author | GBA | CEPA (Certified Exit Planning Advisor) | Certified Facilitator | Advocate of "Workplace Mental Health Leadership"
...of which, Benefits are a necessary ingredient.
According to experts in this field, a performance culture is one where the entirety of the organization shares a strong sense of purpose and alignment with core values. Productive and motivated members of the organization, at all levels from entry, to tenured, to management and executives, work to exceed their goals. They are engaged in the execution of strategy and hence become considered a “great place to work”.
The basics of WHY organizations hire people.
Not to be confused, the reality is, organizations hire people to do a job. Serve a function. Fill a need. And they are willing to compensate their staff for this, SO LONG AS the entity continues to earn enough revenue to sustain their people. Typically, this would involve satisfying customer needs, keeping those customers coming back.
This is the basis of the employment contract. Do the job well and generate more business. More customers help the organization grow. This means that the organization can continue to provide the employee with the tools necessary to perform and compensate them according to the economic conditions to retain their skills.
At the same time, employees predominantly join an organization to work. To earn. To be challenged. They know their skillset, talent, and experience will enable them to DO the JOB well and grow all of these attributes with the company.
As an example, let's imagine for a moment that I could purchase a sports team. This is a substantial investment. Without a doubt, I would expect a return on this investment. I would additionally expect to turn a profit within a set period of time. I would need the strategy in place to meet this goal and an understanding of the key performance indicators (KPI)—the metrics to keep me on track.
What do I need to achieve these goals (keeping the example simple ):
What do the athletes require from team—ownership—management—executives—coaches, etc.?
Should the team management or ownership not fulfill their end of the “bargain”, how will it be a surprise when the athletes lose their performance edge, viewers stop tuning in to watch or attend games. Then the athletes become disengaged and look elsewhere for opportunities to shine. By any measure this costs the team money and hence erodes the expected return on investment.
This is how by not looking at all of the metrics that builds out and identifies the required return on investment can be costly for the organization.
How do benefits align
When we consider what the employee needs to perform, we know this is more than a computer or safety boots and a desk. Tools and equipment go beyond the company vehicle or the hard hat. Employees are the key to their own productivity. If they cannot see, if they cannot hear when their colleagues or customers are speaking, they are not at peak performance. Time is lost, revenue is reduced, goals go off track and the organization is no longer executing as intended.
Safe Employees ARE Health Productive Employees
Results require an alignment of people, processes, strategy, working environment, culture, equipment, and technology. These performance KPI’s bridged with effective benefits that includes disability (protection of the employee’s salary), health, dental, vision care, health spending, and personal spending accounts to promote safety and wellness within the organization will achieve both efficient and financial return on investment and boost the culture into a culture of excellence.
We’d be pleased to engage in a meaningful conversation. Give us a call.
Note: this was written without the aid of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Disclaimer:?Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and employment, taxation, legal vary accordingly. Please seek legal, accounting, and human resources counsel from qualified professionals to make certain your legal/accounting/compliance interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.
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