Building our team - Joyful
Vikram Shetty ??
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This post is a part of the interview series I am doing where I am interviewing our team after a year of implementing Agile Development. We are using Scrum and Extreme Programing with Simple Design as our part of the Software development methodology.
He has almost 4 years of experience and he mostly works on the front end for He is not the primary bread earner of the family. He has taken lead in the JavaScript automation tests and is a go-to person when it comes to JavaScript. He is an active person and loves to play cricket on the weekends. He has a keen interest in reading books. He has the potential of being a good leader.
What are the top 5 improvements do you see in the team in recent times?
What according to you is the vision of our team and what are we trying to achieve by next year?
According to my vision, the team is trying to add new features and improve the existing product for a better experience for clients in the coming year. A better experience would help the product in the market.
Does having 4 day work week took some pressure off and does it help in your wellbeing?
I feel 4 day work week pressure off for sprint development also it helps in planning a complete week where we have dedicated days for every step of the process.
What are 3 qualities you wish your leadership had that would have made your work life easier?
I read a few articles on leadership to develop my own skills, while reading those article I noticed that you and Gautam have already met the expectation which a junior team member expect from seniors.?
Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash
What are 5 skills you have added in recent times to work better in a remote team? Can you mention what benefits you got by improving those skills?
Share 3 reasons that the team as a whole lacks to contribute new initiatives or new ideas and put forward their thoughts fearlessly? Can also mention why would they feel that and what could have led it?
If we make you a leader of 73bit for a month what 5 changes would you bring?
Photo by Jianwen Chen on Unsplash
Ask one of your family members, 5 changes that you had after joining 73bit Limited? (This can be personal, behavioural or professional changes | both positive and/or negative)
My mom has answered this question.
How would you explain our work culture to Sundar Pichai of Google?
I would say that in 73bit,?
You get what you give?
What question should I have asked you and didn't? What would be your answer to it?
Q: What new you have learned which you don't know before joining or are willing to learn in the future?