Building A Nest
It’s not my favorite time of the year. While I’m glad to get back to our pre-holiday routines, I am simply not a cold-weather guy. I’m a beach-loving, warmth-loving, and long-day light-loving kind of guy. I have friends who love the cold and enjoy awesome trips to the arctic weather spots that provide snow activities. While I can appreciate people’s love for snow and winter weather, I just am not one of them. This is why it is crucial for me to work on my mindset right now.
I get to choose how I face these cold winter days. I can focus on the negative aspects of this time, or I can find things to focus on that are productive and quite frankly, more enjoyable. While creating a new mindset may sound easy, it takes intentionality and commitment not to let the temptation of complaint and negativity gain momentum in my mind and spirit. It is important to remember that we can’t keep those critical thoughts from entering our minds, but we don’t have to allow them to stay there.?
A wise woman once told me, “You can’t help negative thoughts from flying across your mind, but you don’t have to let them build a nest there”.
I am going to focus on making the best of this winter season. I am going to find ways to be productive and get the year off to a good start. I am not going to complain but instead discover how I can make the best of this time. I am going to change my mindset.?
When we choose not to let negativity build a nest in our minds, we will make a difference.