Building a Native Mobile App: Select the Right Framework
Krish Palaniappan
Developer & Architect @ Snowpal. We offer domain-agnostic, scalable, feature-rich APIs to reduce cost, risk & time to market for your apps/microservices. License for $3K or subscribe on AWS (
In this podcast, Krish explores the realm of mobile app development, comparing native approaches using Swift and Kotlin for iOS and Android respectively, with cross-platform options like React Native and Flutter. While discussing the merits of each approach, Krish notes Google’s endorsement of Kotlin for Android development and the growing popularity of Flutter. He emphasizes the importance of considering project requirements and personal preferences when selecting a technology stack. Krish expresses excitement about his positive initial experiences with Flutter and hints at delving into API integration in future discussions, setting the stage for further exploration of mobile app development strategies.
Introduction to Mobile App Development Options
Native Development vs. Cross-Platform Options
Considerations for Cross-Platform Development
Introduction to Flutter and Dart
Conclusion and Future Discussion
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Hello. Hey, this is Krish. Hope you’re doing well in this podcast. I want to follow up on one of the previous ones where I started talking about mobile app development. If you haven’t listened to that, please, you may want to check that out. In that first one, I just talked at the highest level about various options available if you were starting out to build a mobile app.
Let me continue the conversation or that monologue here. So if memory serves me right, I believe I left off that podcast mentioning Kotlin and also cross-browser alternatives, right? Like Flutter and React Native. Let’s continue from that point onwards, right? So let’s say you’ve decided to go ahead, and before you jump all in into a cross-platform technology, you want to be doubly sure about the other option that’s out there, which is building Swift and native-like Android apps.
With Android, you have two options at least. The traditional way of building Android apps was using an Android SDK, purely using Java as a programming language. But I think, I believe starting last year, Google’s official recommendation, whatever official means, their recommendation has been to use Kotlin as an alternative to Java. And that could be one of many reasons as to why that happened. Which is not super important, I think, to this conversation because our interest here is just to get an app out there and then build it, right? Get to building it. In any case, Kotlin’s a different language, it’s statically typed and it was founded, I believe, by JetBrains as a company. But it’s fully interoperable with Java, right? So, and it’s… I mean, I’ve taken an initial look at it. I haven’t done much development using Kotlin, but it doesn’t like… I mean, it doesn’t look terribly different from Java. At least, my first look is to say anything about it in any case, so that’s an option definitely available for you.
So you want to, you know, build a Kotlin app, an Android app, using Kotlin as your programming language of choice. Now, that’s just a precursor to our discussion, to this, to this podcast. What I want to actually talk about is, okay, now let’s say you want to go with a cross-platform option, and I’m very much for it, just because I’ve actually not run into an extremely compelling use case, at least in the work I’ve done thus far where I’ve not been able to solve problems using a cross-platform technology.
Right. So having said that, right, so what do you want to go with, right? React Native was one of my initial choices, at least in mind, because I love React on the web just because of the way it does things and the ease of integration that it has with some other plugins and libraries, even outside of the React ecospace. But even having said that I just want to… when you start to do something, you want to make sure you do your due diligence and for every project right. Not just because you pick one stack or one technology for a project and then the next one you do something similar.
From what I’ve read, and I actually did a bit of playing around as well. What I’ve read, it sounds like the gap between React and React Native seems to be widening. I’m not entirely sure why, and just in terms of the feature and support and whatnot, it seems like it’s getting wider. It’s not like the same level of support that you expect and you do see for React on the web. You may or may not get that for React Native. That was one. That was kind of the feeling I’ve had for a little bit, but that seems to be more and more true of late. Also, I also read an article about Airbnb being almost entirely based on React Native, their mobile apps, and they’ve moved off of it for several different reasons.
So you know, we have our own preferred languages and frameworks every time we do things and then we learn other items. But you know, unless something changes dramatically, I don’t see myself building mobile apps using anything other than Dart, at least in the short term to middle term, right? Going back to GitHub and and dart’s traction, it’s actually quite new compared to React Native with, I don’t know, it’s the newest kid. I don’t know if it’s the newest kid, but it’s a pretty new kid on the block. But it has, it’s very comparable. I think I saw like about 80,000 stars and in terms of the number of folks, it’s probably a percentage of React Native if you go to GitHub and look that up. But otherwise the actual in terms of adoptability, it seems to have a lot of traction. I mean, things change every day, so who knows what happens tomorrow. But as of this recording that seems to have, flutter seems to have a lot of traction and interest in the community, which is actually very good, right.
So you’re going to find more help and and articles and and whatnot. So that is very promising. And what else? Right, In terms of the samples and then widgets that are available, I mean I’ve found a decent number. I don’t know how it compares with what React Native has. But just given the fact that React Native has been around for much longer, it’s very likely if you’re going to, you’re going to find more help on like Stack Overflow or other places if you have questions. So I’m sure there’s going to be some gap there in terms of documentation and what not. But my initial reaction is, is very positive and I’m super excited. I’ve started to do some work and you know starting to get the initial set of pages and and what not. So we’ll see how it goes in the next podcast. Let me talk more about API integration of the app and what might be some of the options that that are available to us.
Thank you.
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