Building a Moonshot Mindset and Skill Set
EIT Manufacturing
Our purpose is to improve people’s lives through sustainable manufacturing.
All types of innovation matter when making progress - regardless of the industry. Sometimes you need small steps, but other times you want giant leaps. At EIT Manufacturing Summit 2023, I spoke about the importance of building a moonshot mindset and skill set in the opening keynote. In my book "Building Moonshots" co-written with William Cockayne, we define a moonshot as an almost impossible vision with world-changing impact. In other words, moonshots are big ideas that offer a big impact.
This Summit's topic focused on the grand vision for "sustainable manufacturing innovation in Europe." So, I wanted to reinforce the full spectrum of skills and talent required to achieve this type of moonshot. How could manufacturing groups think boldly? What are some examples of other moonshots? And what are some moonshot ways to build the visionary skills needed to achieve this big vision?
One question that often comes up is if every company should have a moonshot goal. Not necessarily. Some groups need to be focused on short-term execution. But for most organisations, a moonshot offers a vision that feels daring, audacious, and even almost imaginable. Having this vision guide strategic decision-making, inspire employees to deliver more, and offer a bigger purpose for day-to-day actions. This type of vision cannot happen overnight, so it requires taking the long view. Now actual business needs are connected to major outcomes built up over time, which then tend to draw more customers, value-adding partners, and ultimately bigger shareholder returns.
What will be a big change in this decade for the sustainable manufacturing industry? You can already see more news headlines emerging today that consider the rise of green steel and the use of hydrogen towards this vision. And then there are the tech breakthroughs we are not hearing yet! As the US CHIPS Act takes hold in one part of the world, the United States is developing a talent pipeline to address the range of roles and skills needed to address the next manufacturing wave. In another part of the world, I heard the CEO of Swedish energy infrastructure maker NKT say that talent is their #1 priority, finding at least 5,000 more jobs. Beyond new tech, I would love to see more creative partnerships between European companies, government agencies, and other groups that take an integrated talent pipeline approach from preparing gymnasium-level students to reskilling older workers to testing talent incentives like a multi-nation talent visa. In particular, we should be listening more to the needs, hopes, and dreams of young people so that they are invested and eager to push the manufacturing industry forward in Europe.
R&I - TT Projects Mersin TTO Coordinator
9 个月a nicely-elaborated text for setting the stage of wise strategies deeping dive to talents who can change the world.?
Award-winning professor, industry advisor, and expert in radical innovation and strategic foresight
9 个月EIT Manufacturing I love seeing your team continue and broaden this dialogue past the event... ?? Plus I invite everyone reading to respond and share your thoughts on what is needed next and which teams are doing hard things and aiming for moonshots ??