Building a MoneyMaking Machine / Blueprint / Intro.

Building a MoneyMaking Machine / Blueprint / Intro.

Welcome to the Money-Making Machine Blueprint, in this method, I will share my money-making Blueprint with you.

In order that you can use it to build your own Financial Freedom the way to do it, is to apply the Wealth Creators Financial Freedom Blueprint.

Apply the money-making machine to it and that machine is going to help you to go through the different levels.

I believe, and I am convinced that this is the easiest, the quickest, and the fastest way for a person to be Financially free in less than 3 Years.

Even if they`ve lost everything.

The reason why I`ve done this method is simply for the reason that a person asked me the following question a while ago...

“If you've lost it all, Hannes, and had to start again, what would you do?”

Now let's make this real, say for example I`m 58 years of age. So if I were to lose everything.

At 58 being a male. In South Africa, I think the chances are very slim for me to find a decent job. And even if I could find this decent occupation, I think that you would agree with me the chances are almost zero, because of the way that the system is structured.

That, that job will help me to get to financial freedom within the 2-3 Years, where I can be let's say within the 1% income earners at the age of 65.

For that reason, I`ve got no choice, but to fall back on this money-making machine.

And luckily I`ve done it so many times.

And I`d love to share this with you and help you so that you can build it. Because my passion is to help people to become financially free.

Because I believe with everything in me that is the best investment you can make, and you are busy with it right now. Is to invest in yourself.

There is no greater investment and for the last 13-14 Years of my life.

I`ve dedicated my life to assisting people so that they can invest in themselves. And better themselves.

Now there are certain assumptions that I`d like to make. If I were to lose everything.

Then there are certain things that no one can take away from me.

No one can take away my competencies.

No one can take that away.

Now, what on earth is competencies?

No one can take away the experiences that I`ve built over a lifetime.

It is impossible.

And it is this experience that I`ve documented and I`ve put it into a money-making machine. As well as the Financial Freedom Blueprint.

The 2nd thing is knowledge.

You know, once you know.

Once you`ve applied something. You know what works, and what doesn't work. Someone else can not take that away from you.

And the 3rd thing is your skillset.

If you`ve built up certain skill sets, then no one can take that away from you.

So the assumption is that;

I`ve got the skillsets.

I`ve got the experience.

I`ve got the knowledge and how to …

In order the competency of how to carry on. So I do not have to start from scratch like maybe someone else.

But in order to learn these competencies, that will take a very short time. If you are doing it in a sequential way If you understand the blueprint and what to do at each and every level.

And then how to incorporate your money-making machine within this blueprint.

Then it is actually very, very simple. I know that you are going to wonder what on earth are we going to do with this method.

And the first thing is...

To understand that, the question that this person asked me.

That is actually the wrong question.

He asked me… What will I do?

And that is not the most important question.

The question, we need to know is... Why?

Because unless you know, why you want to get to Financial Freedom.

Or at least for that to become an emotional experience that is driving you.

As we all know there is too much unnecessary noise out there. There are too many things that are going to keep you and break your focus.

So for you to stay on track, and in order to achieve your own desired goals. And for this reason... The why becomes crucial.

But there is something else, and that is what we are going to discuss.

which is... Where do you actually start?

Because if you try to start there at level 4 of becoming Financially free. Seeing there are 7 levels in total.

Say for example you start here at level 4. You will not have the necessary foundation in order to ever become successful or be sustainable in your quest for greatness.

So you need to start at the right place.

And then in a sequential way, work yourself through the different levels.

Because otherwise, I promise you in 2-3 years the chances are almost zero that you will get to financial freedom.

That's why one of the first things we are going to do;

In this module, we are going to start with the Where.

The 2nd thing is; we are going to take you through the whole process of designing this money-making machine.

Because if there is a flaw in the design and that design does not fit into the Financial Freedom Blueprint then again, you simply are not going to have the desired outcome.

And then the next thing that I`m going to show you is that.

What is the process?

There is a 7-step process. If you want to start and grow income streams from nothing. There are 7 steps you need to take.

What is the process for doing that?

And how do you incorporate that process first of all in the money-making machine and then from there into the Financial Blueprint?

So that is the next thing that you are going to learn and then I`m going to share with you what I believe is the most perfect business model.

You know, I think you`ll agree with me. That 2 years is actually a very very short time.

And you can't waste your time chasing the wrong business model.

So right from the word go, we need to make sure that the model that we are going to follow will put us in the position.

So that within 2 Years, we can run through all these levels in order to become financially free. So I think that is crucial that we understand, I`m going to spend a little bit of time on this method. In order to help you to do that.

And then I think it is crucial that we understand the Financial freedom blueprint and what we mean by this. And how you can use this as a business as well as an investment.

In order to improve on it, how can you use the combination of the 2 and then also the foundation and what do we mean with that foundation?

And why is it that the foundation is so important?

Now, once we understand the perfect business model. Once we understand the blueprints and how this machine works.

Then we sit with a problem because there will be a million opportunities.

There are going to be so many opportunities.

The problem is if we start, by using the wrong opportunity or the wrong vehicle in order to get there we are not going to get there either.

So we need to make sure that before we start. Before we start.

We need to take this money-making machine, this concept that we`ve got.

And take it through a process. In order to evaluate, and see. But are we not going to waste any time and will this machine that we are about to build?

Will that machine actually give us financial freedom? And then of course I`ve forgotten to tell you. But I`m going to give you the full blueprint and I`m going to explain to you the blueprint. And how this blueprint fits into this.

The financial freedom blueprint.

And of course, there is going to be a lot more that we are going to discuss.

Now, why do I want to share this with you?

First of all, as I`ve said my passion is to teach people how to become wealth creators.

And to have a life of abundance.

And I believe that maybe I was very lucky in my life.

And maybe it was because of all the mistakes that I`ve made, but I retired at 37 by following exactly this blueprint.

Now when I retired at 37, the internet and the way that I understand it today.

That was simply not available. And the first great breakthrough that I had was at the age of 30. It took me 7 years to use this blueprint. And this was before the internet really became a big thing.

But in 2002, my wife Tanya said to me, Hannes go and teach people this.

After I`ve been on retirement for 7 years. She said to go and teach people so that they do not make the same mistakes. Then I started to learn about the internet. And the power of the internet. Specifically digital products. And we are also going to go into that.

This is amazing, because. The speed of implementation. You know where it took me weeks and months and even years before. Nowadays with the internet, it is exceptionally quick.

I can literally test something this morning and by this afternoon I`m ready to make money.

And that is what I`d like to share with you.

So over the last 10 years, I`ve developed?52 products in 10 Years and out of those 52 products.

21 products became 7-figure income streams or 7-figure businesses. Now the first 2 businesses. That I got involved in Internet-type businesses.

I had no control over that.

In other words, I had programmers who did the website development for me and did everything and handled that on the internet. But that became frustrating?because for the first 2 years. Until about 8 years ago.

I sat with a problem because I violated a formula that I`m teaching my students.

  • Is it possible?
  • Can I make it happen?
  • Do I have control over it?

I could not make it happen. I had no control over it. Although I made a lot of money. The problem is as a wealth creator. You know the ideas pop up and you want to implement the idea, and then you have to rely on someone else and it takes time for them.

And by the time that they came to the party the energy was gone, by that time I already wanted to make a million.

And only then do they deliver. So the first 2 businesses I had partners with. And then?I decided that about 8 years ago, I`m going to learn first of all how to do my own websites and everything relating to websites how to do that.

And secondly, I wanted to know more about Internet marketing. So I joined a group and I paid for coaching, one-to-one coaching over 6 months with people from America.

About internet marketing. They were considered to be the best and the top people. And I paid USD9, 999 for that coaching process. Of course, I could take a year of coaching as well. But it would have cost me more. The intent that I had, was …how on earth do you set up a website how do you manage that website and how do you create a product? To bring that digital product to market on the internet.

So in today's value, in the currency of ZAR, it was R140k that I paid.

But here is the trick, 4 months down the line. I had absolutely nothing. They wanted to do SEO and things. And the way that we do it in SA and the way that the rest of the world is doing it.

Because it is such a small group of people that we`ve got here at that stage at least. Everything that I`ve tried, they would tell me this is not going to work out. So at the beginning of the 5th month after 4 months. I had absolutely nothing, except a lot of time a lot of confusion,?and effort that I`ve spent.

And I could show absolutely nothing. My nature is that I want to see results. Because results motivate me. And to spend time and time, and you could show nothing. Well, that did not resonate with me. So I took the matters into my own hands. And I said to this guy, listen you did not deliver and this is what I want.

And he said to me … "No but get other people to build the website for you."

And I said.. that's not what I signed up for. And everything that you tell me. Because the moment that you step back and thought, why was it that I could retire at 37?

And why is it that I've got multiple businesses?

That makes me a lot of money.

Why is it that now suddenly with the internet nothing is working?

Then I realized that these people are using exactly the same thing?that the educational system does. They teach a lot of stuff, and they make it extremely complicated.

It should not be complicated. So I decided that I`m going to create my own website by myself?and not make use of them. And I used a program, I started with Dreamweaver and another program.

I developed the learn how to invest money... although the website is not working today. (Click on the images for new website)

But that website was;

The formula for Riches and I took the formulas for Riches in?a digital form and I started selling and everything worked to such an extent, that that coach at the end of the 5th month came back to me and said but what the heck are you doing?

And how do you get that product to sell so much?

And the reason is …I went back to my?blueprints.

So, ok that is where it started. And then because of the time?and the effort that I`ve put into this.

I decided, listen my time?is worth a lot more than trying to figure out how websites work.

So to a certain extent, I said that's that.

But I had an idea because I could see that mentally people were struggling.

Money has actually got nothing to do?with money. It`s got to do with the mental mindset and I could see this. And I started to develop a product and the only way that I could see how I could get to the people out there was to use the internet.

So I got my team together, and they told me it was going to take approximately a year. And then I took it on tender the best price that I could find at that stage was R100k but the time was the problem because it would take me approximately 6 months.

By that time, I already knew, that first of all it would not cost me an R120k it would cost me a lot more?because there would be changes.

And 2nd?the 6 month period would be longer, closer to a year. So I thought, no way...

But, you know I`m a lucky person.

I met Leon, a person at one of my fire walks and we started to talk and he said to me in his part-time?he is actually doing programming and website developments.

So I told him about this idea, and how ridiculous the time frame is. And he said to me, but Hannes what is it exactly that you want?

So I told him that I need to monitor people for 9 weeks because I`ve wanted to give them a Jaguar XKR as a price, which was worth more than a million rands.

At that stage..and for that reason,?I really wanted to make sure that people do not slack off and the reason for that is, that I believe that people do not do on a day-to-day basis what they are supposed to do.

And that is one of the reasons why so few people?are actually successful.

And he said to me, that he thinks that he can do it within a week.

And I thought man that is ridiculous. So he said to me if he can at least give it a go and come back to me. And I said Yes.

And the next day, he phoned me and said that he`s got a prototype ready for me if I wanted to come and take a look. We arrange for a place to have a cup of coffee.

He took his notebook and I looked at that, and I saw that this is exactly what I wanted.

But something weird happened inside me, it's like the world opened up to me. Because I knew there is a way that you could build fabulous-looking websites very, very interactive.

And that you can do it in less than a freaking day. So I said to him, first of all, what did he do?

And secondly, I wanted to learn this. He said to me, that it was going to be difficult. And I said to him that I`m willing to go through everything. If I was able to build this kind of website within a day. Then I`m going to put in the time and the effort.

So the intent was there. He used a free program that is actually for website developers that is called Joomla. That's how I started. And the problem with that was.

There were 2 files that clashed and so from the service internet provider and the Joomla guys?there were 2 programs. Nowadays there is only 1.

I removed the 2 programs, and suddenly I had full control.


  • Is it possible?
  • Can I make it happen?
  • Do I have control over it happening?

Everything fell into place. We took control, and by the way. Leon did not charge me a cent for that information and the training.

Because he trained Lara (my daughter) and me it took us about?2 and 1/2 hours and then the flood gates opened.

Because now if I`ve got an idea.

I could literally take that idea to the market and as I`ve said I`ve developed 52 successful digital products and 21 of those products became 7 figure income streams.

Now by applying the wealth creators strategy and these blueprints.

The formula for Riches.

You are going to find that you do not need any money to start with. Or very, very little money. To register a website and a domain name. After that, you do not need any money.

This is the beauty of it. And you do not need security. And you do not need to go to the bank. Also, you do not need to pledge financially. Because you can literally start.

And I`ve started all of 52 of those businesses with absolutely no money. There were 2 of the businesses, that from a marketing point of view. I structured it so that it cost me money.

Because if you say to someone that you can start a business with no money to a multi-million rand business within a year.

They don't believe you. But the moment there is money involved, then it's almost like their brain says.. yeah maybe it's possible.

Let me listen at least, and that is the reason why 2 of the businesses? I started I used very very small amounts like 79cents and R4.83 cents to start the business.

And all of those businesses?were positive cash flow?within the first month. Now here is the trick. The Question that, that person, in the beginning, asked me...If you were to lose everything.

What would you do? Was the wrong Question.

So the right question, first of all, is...


and the 2nd Question?and this is what I`d like to address in the next reading.

Is …

but?Where do you start?

Because unless you start at the right place and follow the right sequence.

This money-making machine that you?are going to learn. To build this blueprint, and to build this machine around the blueprint that will not work for you.

There is something else that I want to bring to your attention. Included in this method I`ve given you access to WordPress. Now I`ve started off with Joomla, but like a Year ago.

Because I started to run into the structural problem and I didn't want to learn how to do programming I switched over to a free program called WordPress there are 1000`s of free courses available on WordPress but I`ve included a course on how to use WordPress?to build your money-making machine and I would love you to go and start with that course.

To do it, to see how simple it is. The reason why I want you to do that course so you may know WordPress. It is simply because once you start to implement this in WordPress you`ll be with me each and every step of the way. So you`ll find in the bonus section, how to build your money-making machine by using WordPress.

Now, this is my way of paying that knowledge forward. Because Leon gave me that knowledge in terms of Joomla and in terms of the websites. And Leon never charged me a cent. So although I think the information is worth hundreds of thousands of Rands. I`d like to pay that forward to you as well.

In the hope that you are going to pay it forward to other people. In the process of doing that,

So in the next part of?this reading, I`m gonna tell you where to start.

Hope you enjoying this.

For more information on the Wealth Creators method;


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