Building a MoneyMaking Machine / Blueprint / 3 / 4c
You can run this business with?basically no, or very little stock.
One of the companies that I`ve got.?The Wealth Creators University?has no stock. We are running a University 100% based on?digital products. Digital information that we are sharing with?our students.
No stock whatsoever. Once I`ve got the course it's in a digital format, and it's on the internet, and it's in the cloud. It`s quite remarkable. Also, it has a very low start-up cost, on the condition that you follow the?wealth creators' strategy.
You receive immediate feedback.
This is another thing that I like. When I was a financial planner. It took me weeks even months sometimes, to try to test out something?to see if I`m on the right track. Nowadays it happens really quickly.
I can send out an email, and by tonight I will know whatever I want to know. But there is something on top of this, not only do I get the information in order to make?decisions from a marketing point of view. I can take full advantage of the speed, and the implementation of that speed.
Simply because if you`ve got a business funnel or a product funnel. You can send out a lead magnet, that lead magnet generates immediate cash for you in terms of the trigger.
It immediately gives you income in terms of the main products. In terms of the upsells, it's unreal with the press of a single button. And then you start making money. Now it sounds easy and it is easy once you are there, but you still have to set up the funnel first. Then make sure about the success of it.
One of my students gave me feedback this week, and she said to me that within 91 days she started from scratch implementing the system. And the full sales funnel is there, and she had her 1st webinar last night. Everything automated.?It`s quite unreal and immediately starts making money.
Another thing that I love about this business is what I call unlimited credibility.
What do I mean by that?
You know we need to build trust. And what I`m doing here is specifically so that people can see who I am and what I stand for and the fact that?I can't speak English that well. :-)
They need to know this stuff so that they can see this is a real person it's not just a story. Now an amazing thing that I discovered about all these videos. I do not know these people, but they know me because I`m in their living rooms, their kitchens, their offices wherever they are watching from.
I`m everywhere.
So the moment that they see me or that they meet me, I can see that these people they know me. That's not to say that I don't know them, well actually I don't for a lot of them. But it`s almost like suddenly you are this celebrity. Although I`m just a plain normal person, I hope that you can hear, experience, feel, and see that.
But I can see that this gives you incredible credibility. There is something else, that I saw the other day.
They say you are treated like a king and obeyed like a heart surgeon because you switched from a seller to an educator.
Isn't that amazing?
I remember when I sold life insurance policies, financial planning and risk planning, and business consulting. You had to sell something. You did not educate. Although I?did educate my students or my clients at that time?as well.?
But nowadays it's 100% fully educational. You are helping people. And this is why I absolutely love this type of business.
It`s also fully recession-proof.
It`s inflation-proof, it`s depression-proof. The reason being is that there will always be?an incredible demand for information.
Go and have a look at what happens at the Universities. The moment that the economy goes into a recession. More and more students want to go to University.
They understand that they must get the knowledge. This is of course the wrong knowledge that they try and accumulate. They going for information, and they are going to use that information to get a job. That's not what I`m teaching. There`s nothing wrong with going to Universities but the principle stays the same. They want more information. As they want this.
Another thing that I love about this is?the multiple streams of income. I already mentioned to you that over the last 10 years, I started more than 52 businesses.
I`m currently busy with 2 new businesses that I`m rolling out at the moment. More than 20 of those businesses I turned into 7-figure?businesses. Warren Buffet says never to depend on a single income. I agree with him.
Another thing you can do on the internet is to get access to billions of people.
Literally billions of people. If you add enough value and this thing?starts to go viral, there are no limits.
You can sell in a massively expanding market, I`ve already referred in the previous reading to?this specific slide. But you know they say that online sales in the UK, U.S., Germany, and China will grow?by 320 Billion pounds from 2015 to 2018.
Perhaps the best thing that I like about this business, especially when you start this business you can do it part-time.
This R34.83 challenge that I had, was a part-time story. And if I tell you how much time?I actually spend on it is going to sound impossible.
And that's how it works, in other words, there is absolutely no risk, part-time.
It`s very easy once you understand the basic principles and what you need to know. And then be able to apply. You can build it around your passion. My passion is to teach people how to become?wealth creators. Each and everything that I do. You will see the underlining factor is?how do we get and become financially free.
Is to change the way that we do things. We become wealth creators by following a different strategy.
How do we change the inner mind as well as the outer game? There is a structure around it. This is my passion. For that reason, you can start your own passion you know. You can start part-time and build your competencies until you are financially independent.
Still, you do not have to take risks, you do not have to give up your job. Until you can replace your income. I absolutely love this type of business. The reason why I love it is, in order to run a successful business it?meets all of my investment criteria and it meets all of my?business criteria.
It's this freedom to be able to do what I want to do when I want to?do it. Even while I`m still working. It`s an incredible, incredible lifestyle business.
Now, what's the function of a business? What's the purpose of a business? The purpose of a business is to basically get a client, and keep a client at a profit. Now in order to do that, the only way to do that is to be able to add value.
So the only way to add value is to solve problems. And the bigger problems you can solve, the better it is going to be. But there is another little factor, that we need to do that.
You must have a product or a service that people actually?want to buy. So unless you`ve got a product or a service that people?want to buy.
You haven't got a business.
So another word for a business or a product?would be …needs or wants.
So the moment that you tap into that, and understand that. Then you understand that it is actually very simple to have a product that sells.
On condition that they are willing to buy that product from you. This is all part of the Rainmakers from start-up to income business program.
So in the last module of this money-making machine blueprint, I`m going to introduce you to the criteria that I`ve got to develop a product.
What are the criteria that a product must meet? And I think that is the main reason why?I`m successful.
Is because I`ve gone through a process in order?to discover what it is that people want. And then how do I present that to those people?
So in module 4, we are going to tap and dive into the product.
Of course, I`m going to give you just an overview of it so that you can get a good enough understanding so that you can implement it.
So I can't wait to see you in the next module 4, where I`m going to introduce you to the product development or the criteria or the blueprint for the development.
See you then.
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