Building a MoneyMaking Machine / Blueprint / 2 / 6

Building a MoneyMaking Machine / Blueprint / 2 / 6

Welcome to reading 6 of part 2 and in this lesson, I`d like to talk to you about something that I think can really help you.

And that is accountability.

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Now building wealth, we know is actually very simple and straightforward.

  • You just need the right information
  • In the right order …
  • For the level of the game, you`re currently at.

Then you just have to do it.

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Now, what is Success… “success is the progressive realization of?a worthy goal or ideal”

In other words, if we really start breaking it down. We are going to find, that by following the blueprint.

First of all the business blueprint. There are 7 levels by mastering each and every level.

That automatically will take you to the next level. It is a very natural process and a very sequential process. In other words, you first take step 1 of level 1 and you complete that.

Then you move on to level 2. You test that, to see if you`ve really done it. If the results are there, you move on to level 2 you do exactly the same thing.

You get the results, you move on to?step 3 you move through the 7 steps.

And if you`ve moved through the 7 steps, then guessed what you are at level 2, you don't have to worry about it.

Something absolutely natural, you focus... You know the intent. You know what you want. You know what your goal is. And you deliberately work towards that goal.

In other words to create your life. Every single day, as you measure this you can say I`m successful. You fulfill what we call a class 2 experience.

So the first thing you gonna ask is, will it feel good?

Now 90% of the time, when you start something and you know nothing about's not going to feel good.

Unless you change your mindset and say…

Listen I am learning a skill that is going to give me?Financial Freedom within 2-3 years or even 5 Years from now. And the moment that you know that … that is the outcome.

And what your voice is, and what you want to do. In the process, in order to help other people and to contribute. Then it changes because something that is not nice becomes nice.

By simply the moment that you`ve got a reason why you are doing it. So, does it feel good?

It can feel good...Sometimes it does not feel good.

Because if you are going to run into problems, which you will then you have to overcome them. But the function of the problem is to show you where you?do not have the skills.

And you do not have the competency, that's all. So you must actually look forward to problem areas because those problem areas will help you with your business.

But we must be careful because we must define and see if that problem that you encounter?is on the level that you are at.?

Or is it at a higher level? ?

If it is on a higher level, the chances are that because the fundamentals are not in place. That you experience it at this stage. So do not waste time trying to fix something there. If you are currently on a lower level. First, fix this where you are at.

If the basis is right, you are going to find by the time that you get to that problem.

Suddenly there is no problem.

Ok, so success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal. In order to measure that, you`ve got a blueprint.

We`ve taken the blueprint, and we`ve broken it down into processes and procedures and by following that it becomes very, very easy.

But why is it, if something is really easy that?people are not successful?

I think that they do not get the basics in place.

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So the 1st one is;

  1. Lack of proven system for planning & managing their goals.

Very few people that I`ve met over the last 33 years as a professional in this line where business fascinates me, and investment fascinates me. Few people do have a blueprint.

And sometimes they`ve got a blueprint for a portion of it, but they do not have the big blueprint and know exactly what fits in where and what they need to do when.

The 2nd thing is because of this they;

2. Lack of clarity & focus.

?In other words, they start the day, they`ve got no idea.. they`ve got 10 000 things to do, they start doing their things. Instead of working on their business, they start working in their business and they get nowhere.

The 3rd part, because they do not have clarity and because they do not know what to focus on. You`ll find that most people...

3. Lack of personal confidence.????????????????????????????????

And it is simply because they haven't got the success, they cant prove that they are successful in what they are busy doing.

And I can tell you, that that build to just one thing, people do not know what to do when.

The next one,

4. Lack of knowledge and skills.

We know through studies done by Dun & Bradley that 96% of all businesses will fail within the?first 10 years. 80% will fail within the first 5 Years.?

Now, these are registered businesses, it is not internet businesses where you can just start a business. If you take that into consideration, you are going to find that…

I would say, and I haven't got figures… I`ve seen different figures.

But I would say … 95% of all people that want to start internet marketing for example 95% will never make any money.

I`m not talking about a profit, I`m talking about making any money.


They do not have the structure, they do not have the system.

They do not have a blueprint.

That they can follow and they do not know what skill to learn when. It's that simple.

Now the 5th one,

5. Lack of discipline to develop new habits & skills.

Now I come back to the fundamentals, now I think I know the reason for this, if you try something and it is not working, and you try something else and it is not working.

And you don't know what the heck is happening it causes you to be absolutely totally overwhelmed by all this information that you need to absorb and get into place.

Of course, you are going to lack the discipline, but if you know what to do.

And at what level to do it. And you know how to do it, and you know when to do it.

Then suddenly you`ve got the discipline. And I don't believe there is anyone on this planet earth that hasn't got discipline.

Because I`ve seen the moment that someone is, fascinated by someone or they`ve got a passion for something. They`ve got no problem with their discipline.

No problem.

Everyone has got discipline. They`ve got lots and lots of discipline, but it is because they are not focused.

And they do not know why they are doing things and the outcomes. And sometimes it is simply because they are overwhelmed because things do not make sense.

There is simply too much noise out there, that confuses you. And then the last one is;

6. Lack of accountability.

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Now this one is so BIG that I`d like to address it in this specific lesson.

I think, very few people know how to be accountable to themselves, and for that reason, they need accountability partners.

Now you cant just take any accountability partner. To get the maximum out of it…?

What you need is to find someone that can take you through the different levels. In order, so you can get to where you want to be.

So you cannot get someone that hasn't done it before. Now there are 2 ways, that someone can help you.

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They can coach you or they can mentor you.

What is the difference between the 2????

In the first couple of readings, you will not know what to do. If you`ve never been a Wealth Creator.

How do you know what to do in terms of the basics, in order to get that in place?

For that reason, you need a coach. And that coach must tell you, this is step 1 to implement it.. let me check if it is implemented.

Right, and if you run into a problem that coach must have enough experience in other words that is where the mentoring comes in.

And tell you to listen, this is not going to help you.

This is the way I`ve done it.

The difference between the 2 is that a coach is not necessarily someone that?has the actual experience and has achieved any results.

But they can help you.

This is where the danger comes in because they can help you based on what they know.

But unless they can prove that they can do it.

How do you know that they will help? or can help you?

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Now the next level then is mentoring.

And the mentor is a person that has done it already. So the mentor is not going to tell you what to do. They are going to tell you, this is how they have done it.

Ok, and the results that they got, so you actually use a mentor more like a soundboard and a coach… to get you to do the different things.

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And then right on top is Accountability. So if you are the business owner, you are the purple portion. You are accountable for all the levels.

So you are accountable for your own mindset, you are accountable for the fundamentals.

To get that right. You are accountable for the inner program that you are going to run.

You are accountable for the thermostat.

You are accountable for the roadmap.

You are accountable for the structures.

For everything.

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Right,?now on a level 1. You are going to need someone in order to coach you.

To hold you accountable, if you do not know what to be accountable for. I hope that makes sense. Right, so on level 1 this is totally new.

To most people.

So the green portion is 100% new. Every single thing, if you want to become a wealth creator is going to be new.

And you need coaching on that. But level 1 is going to form the basics for the next level.

So level 2 will be a building block, on level 1 and it is going to use the same information that you used on a level 1.

But now it is going to escalate it to new levels or to new heights.

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So what you will find there,?(yellow circle)?there is a certain portion where you`ll need a mentor rather than a coach.

In other words, the moment that you`ve done something that you were supposed to know?and you are not doing it right.

You need someone to tell you…A mentor, listen it is not going to work.

And these are the reasons, and why do you think it is not going to work.

So that you can cement or gell the knowledge and the experience and the skills, that you`ve done in the previous reading.

But you will also find that on level 2, the majority of things will be new.

And that is where you are going to need coaching.

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So if you move on then to a level 3. You are going to find 3 there is almost half of it.

Except, how to build and implement the systems. On that side, you are going to need a coach. For the rest of the business, you need a mentor.

On level 4, it starts to swing?more because now you know almost everything that you need to know.

Now you need coaching?on the structuring part. But on the rest of the business?and the running of the business, you need mentoring.

And you need a soundboard.

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From a level 5, you`ll find that there is no more coaching. There is absolutely nothing from a level 5, that no one can teach you about a business.

Isn't that amazing!

So level 5, level 6, and level 7

You only need mentoring. And of course, you will be accountable for every single thing.

Now let's go back, to level 1.

You haven't got a business. So I`m going to bring in phases of a business.

So on level 1, you haven't got a business. You`ve got a prototype. And the prototype will not work?unless you start making money.

The moment that you start making money, you are on a level 2

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Now a level 2, 3, and 4 is the entrepreneurial phase.?

This means that there is a lot of time and a lot of effort. Where most of your time will be spent, in the moneymaking process and building the systems.

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Level 4, is also known as the transition phase because here you will see.. you take the knowledge and the systems and the structures that you`ve got?in place.

And you start getting other people and start training them in order to run your systems for you and to even better your systems for you.

But now you`ve got the money to be able to employ them because they become employees at that stage.

So level 4, is the transitional phase.

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Level 5, and level 6 are actually the business phase.

That's where you only need mentoring. So if you are a business owner in the right sense of the word.

You know everything that you need to know?about the business. You only need to fine-tune that business, by making it better.

And this is where level 5, is specifically where you are going to optimize that business.

And you are going to do it by asking the?question…

Is it good for me, is it good for others, is it good for the greater good?

Is it good for the shareholders, is it good for the employees, is it good for the suppliers, is it good for the customers?

And how can we improve on this through the systems, and how can we get people to drive these structures for us.

Right, and at level 6 this is where the scalability is going to happen and where the vision is going to?happen.

But again, by then you will know how to run a business.

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So in terms of Coamentoring. Coamentoring is the science of providing the right information and accountability, in the right order, for the level of the game that you`re currently at.

?Can you see what is accountability?

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In other words, a coamentor takes coaching and mentoring, and accountability into consideration when we start to help other people.

And I think it is because of this…In fact, I can almost say that I know it is because of this that the results are spectacular.

In terms of the difference between people that only do the course versus people that do the coamentoring.

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So let's have a look at the outcome of the first intake of theWealth Creators University...

The Rainmaker Start-Up Business. We deliberately took only 100 people on board for the first intake on the coamentoring.

But we also enlisted a 100 students for the course alone. Now the course for the coamentoring and the course for these students were exactly the same course presented exactly the same format.

The only thing that was missing on the course, was the accountability and the structure that goes with the coamentoring.

There is something else that I want you to understand, and that is that the coamentoring students paid 4 times more than what the people that did the?Rainmakers Start-Up business, just the course only?paid for.

Exactly the same content.

Right, and then we had a third group, and that group was people that really were desperate how to start a business but they had no money.

They had valid reasons and excuses, and we did the selection criteria that we had.

And we selected 50 people that we thought, had the best possible chance.

Because they really participated in the questionnaires and in the evaluation process.

So we selected 50 people. But we gave it to them, exactly the same course.

100% for Free.

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So let's fast forward 91 days later.

We started with the Coamentoring... 9 people were postponed literally within?the first 3-4 weeks. Because of working,?illness.. or family problems. A person got transferred.

So that we called postponed. And they could take the course at a later stage.

Which by the way all of them did.

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We had a system in place, we called it a red card and a yellow card. If a person did not do their assignments and their training within the first week. We would simply give them a yellow card. Then they had to catch up.

The moment that they got a 2nd Yellow card if they do not get a 100% for the next week's assignment.

And the 3rd time, they receive a red card and they are off the course. In other words, they can continue with the course, but they are of the mentoring course.

Because of the way that I see it if I do not do my part I cannot keep someone or blame someone.

Because I haven't done my part.

And it is for that reason, that we structure it. Because I believe that if you do what you are supposed to do and you follow this?blueprint.

That you will get a 100% outcome.?I am absolutely 100% convinced of that. But you have to do your part. We`ll do our part. You do your part.

The results will be there.

So in terms of the people that completed this course, there were 77 people that completed the course. Out of the 77, 4 people Did Not Qualify

Because they did not get to 10, 000% growth on their investment, or they could not start their business with no money.

Now we have an arrangement, and we still have got the same arrangement and that is, that you can continue with this course forever till you get and till you start a business with no money or get?at least 10 000% growth.

And we at the University will help you, and do everything in our power so that?you can get that outcome.

This simply means that?94.81%?got results. Success results on the first intake. In terms of the people that completed in other words, the 77 that completed.

Now the 4 that did not qualify, all 4 of them retook the course through the coamentoring, and all 4 of them got it right. In other words, all 4 of them were successful.

Now, what about the 9 people, I did not take them into consideration. The people that postponed simply because they haven't gone through the course, at least the 1st time.

So those figures will be for the 2nd intake.

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Now let's take those people that paid a quarter of the fees. And that did only do the course.

Remember there is no coamentoring, in other words, we did not mentor them.

The only thing that we got, right at the end. And that was the arrangement we had right in the?beginning. They had to give us feedback. And on the feedback, only 6 people qualified.

In other words,?only 6% of the total 100 got results.

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What about those people that got the course 100% for free?

Remember no coamentoring, just the course 1005 for free. A Zero percent success ratio. They had all the intent. But it shows you, there is no commitment.

Because the moment that you have to do something.?And the quickest way to test commitment will be to see if people are willing to pay.????

And it is for this reason, that I`ve got a pre-pre-launch a pre-launch, and then a launch.

Of the product or the business or the service. Because in the pre-pre-launch I use the canvas to see if I`m on the right track.

If I`m not getting money at that stage, I will not continue. Because I know that the market is not willing to pay.

And therefore the market is not going to get results. Then the pre-launch. I up the payments or the premiums or the fees for that course dramatically.

Sometimes not dramatically but in comparison to the first group dramatically.

And see if I`m still on track. Now I present them with the prototype.

Remember step 5 of the process. Is to get them at a live event. And then go through the 5 criteria. Where we educate and lastly to presell. This is where that happens.

And then at the launch, it is at a normal price, that we think we should start this process.

Ok,?so I hope that helps you. Now I know that at the Wealth Creators University.

The Rainmakers Start-Up business we can help you. And if you`d like more information on the rainmakers start-up business I`ll give you a link here.

So that you can read what will be included. In terms of the next intake, of the next Rainmakers Startup Business.

Now the next part. I`m going to talk to you about what is the perfect business model. Or what do I think is the best business model, this is truly Amazing.

This business model will be able to give you?an amazing lifestyle, and I hope that you will join me for that.

For more information on the Wealth Creators method;


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