Building a MoneyMaking Machine / Blueprint / 2 / 4

Building a MoneyMaking Machine / Blueprint / 2 / 4

Hi, and welcome back. This is reading 4 of part 2, and in this specific session, we are going to look at; How do we design the money-making machine?

In other words, the outlay of that. The first thing that I want you to know is, we need to take into consideration;

First of all the business blueprint. In order to get to financial freedom?and before we are going to design our own machine.

It all starts with your goal. And unless that goal is precise?and very clear.

We are not going to have the intent. In order to see this through. So Goal setting is actually crucial. And this is on the mental side, which is fundamental.

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Once we are clear about what it is that we want to achieve, then we are going to design our machine. And we are going to take into consideration the 7 levels so that we can make sure that when we start with this business.

In other words, when we implement the business. That we can take the same model up to a level 7. And then we are going to build it, now the great thing about building this machine.

The Wealth Creator's way, is you are going to find that each and every time that you learn a skill a new competency.

That will reflect in terms of the results that we are going to get. So if the results are not there, it's one of 2 things. Either there is a flaw with the design or secondly, there is a flaw in terms of your competency.

In other words, you haven't mastered that specific skill set. So it is the goals, the machine, every time we make changes to the machine we are going to check the results.

If the results are not what we want. It simply means that either there is a design flaw or a skill flaw, and or there is a problem?with the goal. In other words, we do not stick to the end goal.

When we look at the goal, the way that I normally set up a business. I`ve got like 3 goals.

I`ve got an immediate goal, that is the one that I want to do within 91 Days. I want to start a business. Always with no money. Because otherwise there are no ways for me to test to see if this thing is going to be viable.

And if I`m going to make enough profits. And then I`m going to set within 91 Days after that. What do I want to achieve in terms of the revenue that I want to generate as well as the profits?

Then I say,?ok my exit is 2 years or 3 years from now. And this is what I want to do. And 99% of the time, it is to convert my active income into passive income.

So that I do not have to work in that business anymore.

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So the goal setting is where everything starts. Now the question?then is...why on earth do we start with a financial Goal.

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You know your brain has Amazing abilities to help you to achieve your financial goal. Once you`ve committed to them in a clear and?precise way. So when you set your goals, you need to do it in the right way.

And that is why, when we look at the fundamentals. We basically start with the foundation and the first part of the foundation. The first part of the formula for Riches is...

You must have the intent. And that intent must be clear and it must be precise.

So that you know exactly what to do. And it is for that reason that I`ve built blueprints. And if I say blueprints, I actually mean blueprint templates. Because as soon as you`ve got the structure.

Then all you have to do is each and every time you start a business. You open the template and you literally start from step 1 level 1. It is as simple as it gets.

Before I do that, I do the project evaluation process in other words the business or the investment evaluation process.

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So the moment that I`ve got an idea, I take that. If that is not going to work out. Then I abandon that, and I go for the next idea. By the way, when we get to the product development section I`m going to tell you a little bit more about the products and how we design them. How do we get ideas...

I mean if you haven't got an idea, how on earth can you start a business. And an idea is basically, I`m looking for where is there a need. And where people are willing to pay money.

For the solution to that problem, that they`ve got. So in terms of Goal setting, you can make it a lot easier.

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The key then is clarity and precision. Now there is something else that I want to bring to you. In the power morphing and in the Roadmap experience. I`m talking about powergoals, so you need to have a powergoal.

And that powergoal can be short, medium, or long term. Because depending on what you want to achieve. Say for example I want to take on a challenge, and within 2 years I want to be financially free and I want to have a passive income of let's say USD3000 or USD 5000 or R30,000 / month income passively.

That then becomes a powerGoal, now when it comes to setting that powergoal. This is where you need to work on the inner game. You need to make sure that, that goal is on a scale of 1-10?where 1 is, it is not desirable but 10 is extremely desirable. I will do whatever it takes for me to achieve this goal. If that desirability is not a 10 out of 10. I can almost guarantee you, that you are not going to get to that goal. So you need to spend a lot of time, determining what it is that you want. And why do you want it….

The why, is going to test your value system. In terms to see, if you really want it because the universe is going to set you up and there is going to be, let's call it hurdles.

And those problems are there to test you and to see if you really and truly want it.

So you need to make sure and at the end of this lesson. I`m going to give you some exercise. Just to make sure that we are on the right track. So that is the first thing. It has to be, and it must be a 10 out of 10 in terms of desirability.

Otherwise, it is not a PowerGoal. And the 2nd thing is, it must be a 10/10 in terms of the difficulty, in the way that you perceive that. In order to achieve that goal.

It cannot be an easy goal. In terms of spiritual growth. We`ve got like 7 needs as human beings. That we`ve got in general, and the 5th need is to grow.

And this is actually part of the spiritual side. So we immediately sit here with 2 opposites. The mind, or the brain. The brain wants to keep you in its comfort zone. And the spirit says no. But you must become the best that you can be. So the spirit wants to grow, and the brain or mind says...

No ways.

So there is a conflict between the 2, and I`m going to help you in order to resolve that conflict. Because otherwise, the brain will always win. In other words, the mind will always win.

And this portion needs to be in your subconscious mind so that you can subconsciously do what you consciously want. Ok, so in terms of the difficulty ratio, it has to be a 10/10.

As if it is at a 1 .. it is too easy the brain is going to tell you, man/woman, listen I know how to do it, and therefore it is not going to give you that motivation.

But the moment that there is a challenge. And you`ll see in my life…90% of the business I`ve started in fact, over the last 10 years, each and every business that I`ve started?was because of a challenge.

The brain wants a challenge. The mind wants a challenge.

Because otherwise, why bother.

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I`ve already referred to this, but the function of your brain is?to keep you in your comfort zone.

It is literally wired and conditioned?to keep you in your comfort zone. Now we are running certain programs. We call that meta-programs. In terms of our belief system and our value system. The memories that you`ve got,

the references that you`ve got, and so forth. And there is sort of a screen.

That screen is your RAS (Reticular Activating System)

It`s a mechanism that is built into you, to make life easy for us, and to keep us in our comfort zone.

By the way. So whenever you believe something?or whatever your comfort zone is.

The RAS will only allow the stimulus, the input to come through if there is a meta-program?and the moment that it picks that meta-program up. In other words, the belief system that you`ve got in terms of that program that you are running. It is going to distort, delete and generalize and add information?to fit this belief system that you`ve got.

So as you can see there is a total distortion of?let's call it the truth. But we see this as the truth because this is our internal representation of?what we experience taking our circumstances into consideration.

As well as we change it, to our... I call it our Virtual Reality.

Because this Reality that I experience and the reality that you experience taking the same input is not the same thing. Therefore it is the way that I am experiencing & expressing it.

And that then will lead to the thoughts, to the emotions?to the feelings.

To the actions that we are going to take.

To the behavior, that we are going to form. In other words the habits,

and that will lead to the result.

So if we do not get the result, if we are not happy with the result. It means that we have to change either the actions or the behavior.

Or the thoughts or the feelings or the emotion. Or the program.

So the easiest way to change something is to go to the core and change the old program. That, that is not giving us what we want.

It is really that simple. So this means your income, your lifestyle?your debt.

And everything else, everything in your life. Is part of your current comfort zone. In other words, the way that you perceive and the way that you?experience life.

And this is your truth. So ok, everything is because of this comfort zone?that we`ve currently got.

Because otherwise, we would be different. So any expectation that you had, there is literally a zone based on your current situation.

And this is all done on a subconscious level, in other words. If you are not consciously aware that, that this meta program.

Or this programming or this inner game is controlling our lives. So now, here is the thing…

the outcome that you`ve got at the moment,?in other words, the way that things are happening at the moment in your life. May not be what you actually want. But it is what you have become comfortable having.

It is because we are conditioned to believe that this that I`ve got is ok. That is the reason, and it is for that reason that the desirability is 10/10?and the difficulty is 10/10 because that means that I have to get out totally out of my comfort zone.

And unless I break that habit that I formed in this comfort zone, I`m not going to change. So what I`d like to tell you is that your life today is the sum total of all the thoughts?and the decisions that you`ve made for the last 3-5 years specifically?but forever.

Since you were born, it is the sum total of everything that you thought and that you are thinking.

And the actions that you took, and the comfort zones that you are in. This is the end result, this is always a perfect reflection of what is going on in the inner game.

Now I know that a lot of people don't want to hear this. But the moment, that you become aware of this. You can change.

So your thoughts and the decisions that you made today. The thoughts and the decisions that you are going to make today. Will determine where you are going to be in 5 Years.

3 Years, 2 Years from now on.

And that to me is amazing, because way back in 1982 when I was really down and out and nothing worked out for me.

I read a book by Og Mandino. The Greatest Secret in the world.

One verse in that book says…

“I`m not on this earth by chance, I`m here for a purpose is not to shrink into a grain?of sand… but to grow into a mountain. And henceforth I`ll apply all my efforts to become the highest mountain of them all. And I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.”

So can you see that there is a decision, henceforth …From now on.

And that to me was incredible.

Because suddenly, because of the old behaviors that I had, and the actions that I had. And the thought processes that I had.

I knew, that the moment that I make a new decision?that this is going to give me a new outcome.

That simply means that the past does not equal the future.?So the moment that you start to think. The intelligent use, of your resources.

The moment that, that happens. Your life changes, but it first starts on the inner game. Because unless you change that inner game, the outer game is not going to change.

And it simply means that you control your destiny because you control your thinking process, your thoughts.

Because of that, you control your destiny and for that reason, we can create whatever we want?we can create our dream life.

I am living my dream life. I never thought that when I was young, that it would be possible.

This is the knowledge that I want to pass on, that you can by changing the inner game. You can change the outer game, you can change your destiny.

Now, what is the most valuable commodity I would say it is attention. In other words… our focus.

And that's why my?Intent = focus.

Because unless I pay attention to my intent and I keep on and stick on to do that. I`m not going to get there. But it is going to be extremely difficult if you want to become successful and master business or investments?and you do not have a blueprint.

And it is for that reason that I`ve developed the blueprint. Originally for myself.

And now I`d like to share it, well actually for the last couple of years I share it with people. So if you want to think, feel, act, do and behave differently because you have to.

Because otherwise, you are not going to achieve your goals. So the moment that you want to achieve your goals, you`ve got no choice but to think, act behave differently.

You have to change, first of all, the inner game. Unless you change that inner game, nothing is going to happen.

Now we`ve got set points in the 7 different areas of our lives.

Or thermostats. And I`ve referred to that as well. So you have to set that thermostat, to that of what you want.

And that is where, how, and why we need to set goals.

Because of the goal. The moment that we`ve got a goal. We can measure our progress. Our Success?and success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.

So this puts us off unless that goal is worthy. In other words, if it's worthwhile to train your effort and your time for that goal. Unless it is so worthwhile, you are not going to do it.

And for that reason, you need to sit and concentrate?and focus on doing the things that you need to do and to find that why.


What is your voice?

What will you do in order to get to that goal?

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Now if we take this into consideration, there are actually 2 ways that you can set financial goals.

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  1. One is to base them on your current beliefs, habits, knowledge, skills, and current circumstances.

But the moment that you do that, then you are within your comfort zone. So if you set your goal within the comfort zone that you`ve got?you are going to find that your present, current way that you think.

And your past, in other words, the way were thinking. That is going to predict your future.

And for that reason, this kind of goal setting is 99% of the time not going to work.

I can almost say 100% of the time.

Why do I say it is not going to work?

You see,?you are going to do everything within your current comfort zone, and simply because of that, it will not allow you to move out.

In other words, your subconscious mind will control you, and unconsciously?you are going to do what has been programmed in your subconscious.

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2. The more powerful way is to set new,?powerful, amazing financial goals worthy of your life.

Now there is a far better way of doing it, and this is to set goals?in a very powerful way?where you dream of whatever you want.

In other words whatever you want to achieve.

If you set the goal correctly, that will happen in your life. On condition that you have blueprints that you can follow, and that you can measure the results.

So I want you to set the goal for yourself. That is worthy of your time of the effort?or the money for everything that you are going to?put in.

To train your life literally for this goal. And when you find that, then your life is going to be totally different.

So base your goals on what you really want.

Can I say that again…

Base your goals on what you really want. Not what you think you are capable of, because if you think that I am not capable of doing that, you are not going to get it.

Because then that goal is set from your current comfort zone. So as you move forward and you start your journey to become a wealth creator.

Your brain is going to play tricks with you. Because it actually wants you to quit.

Now you are going to say to me, how is this possible?

You see the moment that you move out of your comfort zone, the function of the brain is to bring you back. That thermostat if you haven't changed that, is going to bring you back into your current comfort zone.

So it will do everything in its power, it is going to create self-doubt. Now, remember in 1987, when I discovered basically the formula for Riches.

When I discovered that you can make infinite investments?and that you can start a business with no money.

With no security, with nothing.

That you can create a surplus,?and that you can take the surplus as security?and invest it.

That was crazy! And I wanted to share this with the world. And guessed what happened, they said to me Hannes, but you`ve failed your matric?the first time.

You know Grade 12. And do you want to tell me that you are better than the?actuaries, and the CA`s and the MBA`s?and all these financial boffins?

And the CFPs and CA`a and the CPA`s?

Who are you to say that there are 2 different systems?

So immediately that you try to find your voice?you are going to find that the world will tell you and even your friends.

Now here is another thing.

Your family will be your worst enemy sometimes when you start this process because they are there to protect you. And their comfort zone is to protect them, therefore they are going to try and bring you back to their comfort zone.

So you dare not listen to them, so there is another way.

I see that people start on this journey?and then they`ve got a little bit of success.

Not what they want…and then they settle for that. Then they rationalize, they start playing this game with them?if I compare myself with so and so.

I`m not doing too bad.

No, you are doing bad.

Because you are not living your full potential. You do not become the best that you can be.

And your job, here on this earth, is to become the best that you can be and to have a life of absolute and total abundance. Now there is something else that I can tell you.

When life starts throwing these curveballs at you by Self-doubt.

And by attacking you, and by giving you problems. All of that is very, very normal please do not let that stop you.

So for that reason, it all starts with a Goal. Make sure that you understand, what it is that you want. And make sure that, that is a worthwhile goal.

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Right, now what on earth is the best way to make sure that you will become a Wealth Creator.

In other words, a life of abundance. I want you to?set clear and Precise short and long-term goals and to give yourself at least 10 Reasons WHY you want to achieve your financial goals.

Sometimes to some of my students, I actually tell them...?

Give me 250 Reasons …Now the way that we normally do it.

There are 7 areas, and you are going to find by achieving your PowerGoal?you are going to benefit all 7 Areas. And then 250 reasons, are not too many.

In order to give it. Now the moment that you are prepared to put in that time and that effort in order to find out why?

And you`ve got 250 Reasons. I promise you, your value system right there and then has shifted.

Because the majority of people do not have the belief system, and therefore their values clash with what they want to achieve.

But the moment that you change your value system. You change the belief system.

And therefore the subconscious mind changes?in order to find miraculous ways in order to help you?to achieve your goals.

In other words, the reason why you want to achieve your goals must be bigger than your reason to quit.

Whatever the universe or your friends or your family or the system may come?up for you to quit. If that reason is bigger than that.

The WHY??

You are not going to quit. And this is what we mean with Intent.

So if you look at the foundation, what is your Intent?

Make sure that, that intent is extremely strong.

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So I`d like to give you an assignment or 2?in terms of Financial Goal setting.

How much money do you want to earn per month -?and by when?

Now there is a very important part at this stage;


Can I repeat it, when you set this goal in terms of the monthly income that you?want in terms of the 91 Days?

6 months from now on. 1 Year from now on and?2 years from now on 5 years from now on.

Please do not limit yourself by using what you think you can get. Set your goal in a new way, and don't worry about the how.

Because by following the blueprint?it will take you?to step by step building the skills, building the competencies. And you are going to find that it becomes almost, almost effortlessly on condition that you do what you suppose to do.

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So what is the reason? What is your big WHY? ??

So the moment that you know what income that you want. Now I want you to sit down and say, why do I want to achieve this.

And give yourself as many reasons, and then condense all those reasons and find your voice.

The Big reason why you want to achieve this incredible goal is that you are seeking yourself.

There is one last thought that I want to leave you with.

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I am the choices that I make.

So in the Roadmap experience. The first question that I ask my students.

Whom do you want to be?

Because the moment that you know whom you want to be. Then the choices that you are going to make, are going to determine?who you will be.

And I know, and I`ve decided many many years ago.

In fact, in 1982, I decided to become the best that I can possibly be?and I think that is what I wish for you as well.

Because the moment that you are there. You`ve got a life of abundance, and you are living your dream.

So please make sure that you take the time before you move on to the next lesson.

Even if it takes a day or 2 days… or 3 days.

Spend the time to discover your why?

And set precise and clear monthly income goals?for yourself.

Not what you achieve at the moment. What do you want to achieve, additional?

If you have a job. What do you want to achieve additional?

Right, and that will be your assignment. Also if you want to leave comments, please feel free to do so. And share your ideas with us.

And we`ll talk more about that. In the next reading, I`m going to introduce you to?the money-making machine blueprint.

For more information on the Wealth Creators method;


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