Building Long-Term Sustainable Business
Every entrepreneur when he / she is starting entrepreneurial journey - has a dream of creating a Business which will have a long-future. For business to survive for long - has to have a self-sustaining capacity and capabilities. The journey is quite long and has many variables - however, one constant variable if good Financial Management (FM). It's a must. FM is fulcrum around which all the other activities revolve. All business decisions have to align with this objective.
In order to achieve this the Business Plans & Strategies have to consistently align with Financial strategies and projections. Than what is good Financial Management?
A. Optimizing Operations / Profitability
B. Building Credibility with stakeholders - Good Governance
With my overall experience and exposure of over 45 years - particularly last 25 years as Financial & Management Advisor to SMEs and SME Owners - I have a strong conviction that there is lot to be desired specially in SME segment (With turnover upto Rs. 250 Crores) - same is also applicable to Start-ups.
In view of this - I have a "firm conviction" that if an organization (Service Provider) is created, which can cater to end-to-end requirements of MSMEs and Start-ups - it could go a long way / help expedite their growth journey (reduce mortality and stagnation). This in turn can help vertical growth of Micro & Small businesses to Medium and Large scale (statistics show that almost 99% of MSMEs are Micro !!!) - MSMEs can truly act as Indian Economy Growth Engine - contributing to GDP, Employment and many other areas of our society.