Building Intercultural Understanding
Understanding is the first step towards acceptance. The biggest benefit of accepting cultural differences is that cultural diversity enriches each of us. Throughout history, people around the world have accumulated a rich stock of cultural traditions and customs, but we are often not aware of the cultural rules governing our own behaviour until we encounter behaviours different from our own. Local laws and customs vary from country to country; if you are unaware of them and act according to your own customs in the new country, you may very well end up in prison! For example, it is illegal in Egypt to take photographs of bridges and 18 Introducing Intercultural Communication canals (including the Suez Canal), as well as military personnel, buildings and equipment. In India, maiming or killing a cow is an offence which can result in a punishment of up to five years’ imprisonment.
?In Thailand, lengthy prison terms of up to 15 years can be imposed for insulting the monarchy; this includes destroying bank notes bearing the king’s image. Simple actions such as showing the soles of your feet or touching the top of a person’s head are also likely to cause grave offence in Thailand. In Saudi Arabia, women are legally required to wear the abaya, a long black coat that conceals their body shape, in all public places, while men must avoid wearing shorts, short-sleeved or unbuttoned shirts. These examples show that behaviours which are considered perfectly appropriate and acceptable in one culture may be offensive, even illegal, in another.
?The key to appreciating cultural differences is to acquire intercultural knowledge and develop intercultural skills. Intercultural knowledge opens doors to the treasure house of human experience. It reveals myriad ways of experiencing, sensing, feeling and knowing. It helps us to start questioning our own stance on issues that we may have once taken for granted. It widens our vision to include an alternative perspective of valuing and relating.
By understanding the beliefs, values and worldviews that influence alternative communication approaches, we can understand the logic that motivates the actions or behaviours of others who are culturally different to ourselves. Culturally sensitive communication can increase relational closeness and deepen cultural self-awareness. The more that people from different cultures get to know each other, the more they can appreciate the differences and perceive the deep commonalities amongst them. Intercultural communication can help us to build our knowledge of other people and their cultures, as well as consolidating our knowledge about our own culture. The result is invariably greater intercultural understanding.