Building an Inclusive Workplace with ClearTalents: September Edition

Building an Inclusive Workplace with ClearTalents: September Edition

Our mission is to empower every individual with the tools and accommodations they need to unlock their full potential within the workplace.

We are committed to nurturing an environment where each employee can thrive unencumbered by any hindrances.

Latest Workplace Adjustment Top Tips

It is estimated that around 10-15% of the UK population have dyslexia…

However, many Dyslexic employees suffer discrimination in the workplace. But how can this be prevented?

Here are our top 3 suggestions to avoid discrimination against any employee with dyslexia, or indeed any other neurological condition:

? Ensure equal opportunities for training and continued professional development.

? Never make assumptions about an employee’s abilities based on their diagnosed condition.

? Avoid using potentially offensive terms like “slow” or “careless” to describe work challenges.

Find out more in our Manager’s Guide to Supporting Dyslexia:

Supporting Dyslexia at work

International Happiness at Work Week

Happy employees are as much as 20% more productive than unhappy employees, according to a recent study by Forbes.

There are many ways employers can create a healthy workplace culture, however a good way to start is to ensure your employers feel their mental wellbeing is supported.

A staggering 52% of employees don’t feel they are receiving enough support from employers on mental wellbeing, so here are 3 ideas you can implement to support employers mental wellbeing:

1. Reviewing communication methods: Have an agreement on preferred communication methods to reduce stress.

2. Quiet spaces: providing spaces where employees can have time away from their desks to manage anxiety during the day.

3. Phased returns to work: After a period of absence, employees may benefit from a gradual return to their regular working hours.

Supporting International Happiness at Work Week

In the News

How many of us will be diagnosed with ADHD?

Since 2025, the number of patients in England prescribed to medication to treat ADHD has nearly trebled.

It is also predicted that it would take eight years to assess all the adults on the waiting list for ADHD diagnoses.

This highlights the importance of recognising ADHD as early as possible so everyone can get the support they need.

Women stressed sat in front of a laptop.
ClearTalents latest blogs

Pregnancy in the Workplace: A Manager's Guide to Expectant Employees:

Pregnancy is a significant life event that can substantially affect an employee’s work life. As a manager, understanding how to support pregnant employees is crucial for maintaining a productive, inclusive, and legally compliant workplace.

Dyslexia in the Workplace: A Manager's Guide to Supporting Employees:

What is Dyslexia? Dyslexia is a common neurodevelopmental condition that primarily affects reading, writing, and spelling skills. It’s estimated that up to 10% of the population has some form of dyslexia according to the British Dyslexia Association (BDA)…

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