Building a high-performing team with LQ

Building a high-performing team with LQ

Leadership Quotient (LQ) is a new assessment tool that helps measure leadership effectiveness by focusing on inputs, rather than outputs. It is built on the tried-and-true 360-degree feedback method and is designed to provide actionable insights for both founders and leaders. (Read the first two articles in the series here and here)?

In this article, we’ll explain how, as a founder or CHRO, you can use LQ to build a high-performance leadership team.

As a founder, your LQ debrief report will help you understand your leadership team’s performance potential by answering three key questions:

  • Are my leaders’ skills well matched with what they are working on?

This is the question when it comes to leadership! Almost any leader can achieve the impossible if their skills and inclinations match what the job demands. If the match isn’t perfect, it can lead to poor performance, low engagement, and other organizational issues. For instance, Ops is often a people-intensive function and requires rigorous planning & tracking. How many founders have considered how good their operations leaders are at these skills before giving them the charter?

This is where LQ can help founders make the right staffing choices. At an individual leader level, you get a peek into what their biggest strengths are, so you can ensure a right fit between leader and role.

One of our clients did just that - they used LQ to inform their staffing choices after an organization redesign. Here is what they had to say:

“LQ provided unbiased input on understanding the strengths and gaps of my leadership team. I’m now better informed to make choices on whom to develop, what areas need to be developed, and which roles require an external hire."?

  • How good is my leadership team? Who are my best leaders? Are there leaders I need to focus on for development??

Every founder wants to build a “dream team” of leaders. But it can be difficult to know for sure if a team is great or even good. LQ measures the same 16 inputs for every leader, in every startup, and has developed objective benchmarks for each input competency and superpower. This allows founders to benchmark leaders and identify who is in the top quartile, in their startup, and across the ecosystem.

You can use LQ to identify your best leaders and ensure they are in the right roles, as well as identify leaders who need development.?

  • Do I have a well-rounded leadership team?

Imagine a leadership team where every single leader has work to do on "Architect tomorrow's team" (a superpower that measures if leaders are building an org for the next 10x opportunity) - what do you think happens? We saw this at one startup. The result was that the org culture suffered - no clarity on roles, no models for collaboration, overwork but no results - the list goes on!?

Having a well-rounded leadership team is critical for organizational success. LQ helps founders determine if their team has all the necessary strengths and skills to be successful. By identifying any gaps in the team’s competencies, founders can take steps to fill those gaps and build a more balanced team.

If you want to use LQ for building your leadership team, sign up here.



