Building General Intelligence Machines by 2027: MAN-MACHINE HYPERINTELLIGENCE as the Unified Intelligence Platform

Building General Intelligence Machines by 2027: MAN-MACHINE HYPERINTELLIGENCE as the Unified Intelligence Platform

Our Deep Motivation to be the Hyperintelligence Architect and Builder

We are all are in urgent need of hyperintelligent machine partners, as True Real and Universal AI (TRUAI), for a few existential causes.

We all are existentially simple missing to understand simple but life-critical things:

We are to destroy the nature before soon, and I am a pantheist (believing that reality, the universe, and nature are identical to rational divinity or a supreme entity, 'God is Nature, and Nature is God.') and extreme naturephile, liking two much plants, birds and other natural phenomena

Human minds have been defective to understand how to classify things in the world, as atoms (the periodic table of the chemical elements, Mendeleev, 1869), and start space travel (“Exploration of Cosmic Space by Means of Reaction Devices”, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, 1903), and to sent the first person into space on April 12, 1961, the USSR,.

Human minds are so defective that the history of humanity is the history of war and territorial colonization, instead of the space colonization

Human minds are defective to understand that the human civilization is to collapse before soon

Human minds are defective to understand that no current military power could overcome the nuclear superpower

Human minds are defective to understand that no machine, program or algorithm could simulate the human intelligence/mind/brain, named as artificial general intelligence (AGI), or full AI or Strong AI or human-like and human-level AI, if only as existential risk for humanity

Human minds are defective to understand that big tech AI technology is a commercial deep fakery and massive multi-trillion fraud

Human minds are defective to understand that humanoid fake AI robots are to replace all human workforce before soon

Maybe, we have to exclude 33706 smart minds who signed Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter, opening as "AI systems with human-competitive intelligence can pose profound risks to society and humanity, as shown by extensive research and acknowledged by top AI labs".

Our final cause is to build generic machine intelligence, which is human-complete machine intelligence, not human-competitive intelligence, such as Humanoid AI, AGI or ASI.

Building MAN-MACHINE HYPERINTELLIGENCE -Unified Intelligence Foundation, we extend the meaning of architects and builders to the top level of design and construction of non-human intelligence.

An I-Architect deals in abstract aspects and the overall design vision for intelligent machines. It is who plans, designs, and oversees the construction of machine intelligence. An I-Builder constructs by putting parts together working with the details, the nuts and bolts of construction.

The site of building construction could be in Europe and/or Russia, with the working prototype to be ready for public testing by 2027.

We could produce a working prototype of "Trans-AI: How to Build True AI or Real Machine Intelligence and Learning" by 2025, as planned, unless the war externalities as well as the necessity to complete the Foundation World Model (FWM?): True, Real Universal AI (TRUAI) overcoming the Large Language Foundation Models.

[Causal World Models? (CWM?): AI [ML/DL/LLMs/GenAI/AGI/ASI/Robotics]

How We Create TRUE AI

The biggest development, invention and innovation, in the world of science and technology and all human history, could become General Machine Intelligence and Learning as General Artificial Intelligence.

It all depends on the way to choose:

GAI as the ability of machines to simulate human intelligence (teaching a human-like, Humanoid AI to clone or mimic or replicate human behavior or human content)


GAI as the power to understand and learn about reality, causality and mentality, including its contents, systems, processes and structures (Real/True/Universal AI, TRUAI).

Human-like AI with its branches, Big data & Machine Learning (ML), Predictive Analytics/AI and Generative Analytics/AI, Causal AI and Humanoid Robotics, AGI or ASI, is in need of a fundamental change in the basic concepts or underlying assumptions.

True AI is the science and technology of machine intellect/intelligence, and in no ways the ability of digital computers or computer-controlled robots to mimic human bodies, brains, intelligence and behavior, as “developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experience”.

We show that real intelligence machines and true learning systems come not from biased training data, statistical algorithms and numerical models, but from computational causal world models (CCWM) relying on universal computational ontology (UCO) and computational causation framework (UCC), fueled by the Global Knowledge Base of USECS (Universal Standard Entity Classification System) and all major scientific models:



Scientific World Models +

AI +

ML +


Generative AI +


Agentic AI

Physical AI +

Robotics +

Hyperautomation +


We leverage the universal computational, mathematical Foundation World Modeling embedding the Reality-Data-Intelligence-Computation-Technology complex interactions.


Causal World Models? (CWM?): AI [ML/DL/LLMs/GenAI/AGI/ASI/Robotics]

Building true, real and universal AI (TRUAI), or why big tech AI is anything but AI

The Foundation World Model (FWM?): True, Real Universal AI (TRUAI)

Building General Intelligence Machines: Reality, Causality and Mentality, or Why TRUAI


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