Building Future Readiness - Our New Online Course
Jim Hamill (Dr)
Director at The Future Ready Hub - supporting organisations in becoming future ready for an increasingly volatile, digital and AI world.
'Your organisation may not be interested in global trends, but global trends are very much interested in your organisation. Leaders can allow world events to dictate the impact on their organisation or pre-emptively adjust to a rapidly changing world. The starting point in pre-emptively adjusting and building a future-ready organisation is to know your starting point.'
Our new executive-level online course equips you with the knowledge, tools, and frameworks for understanding a VUCAD* world, identifying opportunities and threats, and evaluating your organisation's readiness to respond.
*Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous and Digital.
By exploring key issues such as sensemaking, digital landscape analysis, radical scenario planning, and future readiness assessment, the short course provides a solid foundation for developing a future-ready strategy and roadmap for your organisation and for you personally as a forward-looking leader.
'Stop & Reflect' self-evaluation and Gen AI-supported exercises provide a highly practical, action-learning-based approach allowing you to customise and personalise the learning experience to suit your specific needs.
Course content can also be used to support your own senior executive and leadership development programmes.
About the Course
The course comprises five short modules as follows:
Module 1: Sensemaking
Sensemaking is the process of understanding and making sense of a complex, ambiguous, and uncertain environment. Module 1 discusses how to implement an agreed-upon approach to monitoring the disruptive trends impacting your industry. Using Gen AI-supported exercises, you will evaluate the extent to which your industry is under threat of being disrupted and the potential impact on your organisation.
Key topics covered in the module include:
Module 2: Digital Landscape Analysis
The rapid convergence of a broad range of disruptive technologies continues to reshape industries and competition at an unprecedented pace. Adopting a similar approach to the above, Module 2 focuses specifically on digital disruption. You will explore the main disruptive technologies impacting your industry, now and in the near future; evaluating the opportunities and threats for your organisation in three critical areas: customer engagement, internal operations, and business model reinvention.
Key topics covered in this module include:
Complete your Gen AI Exercise for Module 2 - the digital technologies disrupting your industry.
Module 3: Radical Scenario Planning
Gen AI tools have revolutionised scenario planning by enabling the immediate generation of multiple scenarios for the future. In this module, you will learn how to use Gen AI tools to develop five or more radical scenarios for the future of your industry. The objective of these scenarios is to challenge conventional thinking, providing a strong foundation for a range of possible futures.
Key topics covered in this module include:
Module 4: Future Readiness Assessment
Module 4 focuses on the key issues you would cover in conducting an honest self-evaluation of your organisation's future readiness: strategy, organisation, people, culture, digital mastery, orchestration, and leadership.
Key topics covered in the module include:
Module 5: Next Steps
Building on the above, what are the next steps you and your organisation should take in building future readiness? What next steps do you need to take personally as a future-ready leader of change? A framework for implementing a 100-day sprint approach.
Complete Your Gen AI Exercise for Module 5. Challenge the underlying assumptions of your industry and the status quo; what should your organisation look like in 2030?
You can find out more about the course here - Building Future Readiness: Know Your Starting Point. Registration includes six months of free membership in our new Future Ready Hub & Leadership Community, launching in July 2024.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the course or our new Hub & Community platform.
Dr Jim Hamill