Building a Foundation for Growth in Consumer Digital Data Business
Photo by Rodolfo Quirós:

Building a Foundation for Growth in Consumer Digital Data Business

A few weeks ago, I delved into the intricacies of maximising credit card portfolios in an article titled "Maximising the Potential of Credit Card Portfolios." In that piece, we explored how banks and financial institutions should proactively optimise credit card portfolios, engaging customers through tailored communication to enhance utilisation and overall financial success. Today, I wish to extend the conversation on growth, broadening the scope to focus on the essential ingredients of B2C data businesses for establishing a sustainable growth foundation.

Setting the Scene

Imagine a company perennially declaring ambitious growth targets. Ingredients for success seem in place, with a motivated workforce and a business driven by aspirations for expansion. Yet, year after year, growth percentages remain modest, often in the single digits. The company shares periodic glimpses into its future, promising transformative events that will alter the trajectory of growth. Over time, employees might become accustomed to these elusive dreams or reluctantly accept a gradual growth curve. But what does it truly take to turn rhetoric into action?

Drawing from my extensive professional experience, I would like to share key insights and observations. I invite you to contribute your thoughts and insights in the comments section.

Unlocking Growth: Key Factors for Building Strong Foundations

  1. Growth mindset is instilled in every employee - A growth-oriented culture starts with the CEO. Their enthusiasm for growth must permeate the entire leadership team. Creating such a culture is no easy feat; it requires actions, not just words. Drawing from personal experience, I thrived in an environment where the CEO was a true growth leader, demanding progress and instilling a growth mindset throughout the organisation. The growth mind-set must be spread around the company.
  2. Leaders emphasise a single theme and a few numerical goals in their communication - A crucial aspect of the CEO profile was the ability to focus on a single theme, avoiding the dispersion of attention. The emphasis was on one central theme and two numerical goals – a strategy that underscored the importance of continual change until the desired growth trajectory was achieved. Simple is beautiful, also in communication.
  3. Moving beyond Excel with practical, small-scale testing - Continuous testing and learning are essential. Ideas that are genuinely supported by leadership should undergo real-world testing regularly. Depending solely on Excel exercises is insufficient; the true measure of an idea's potential lies in its practical application. From my professional experience, I've found that Excel spreadsheets rarely provide an accurate assessment of an idea's viability. It's counterproductive to endlessly adjust sheets with different scenarios. More often, determining whether an idea will work involves direct engagement, such as reaching out to customers or conducting small-scale tests in a live production environment. Begin with a statistically significant sample within a limited user group.?
  4. Leaders must have the ability to swiftly abandon ideas not aligned with growth goals - If the results of testing show promise, continue; if not, adjust as needed or, if adjustments have already been made, be prepared to decide to say “stop”. A common challenge for leaders is letting go of cherished ideas. While developing and advancing new concepts is time-consuming and emotionally involving, effective leadership demands a commitment to the truth revealed by numbers. If an idea lacks promise or fails to align with growth goals, leaders must be ready to swiftly abandon it. Having a contingency plan ready is invaluable in such situations.
  5. Leaders must have the ability to adapt and adjust strategies for sustainable growth - Sometimes, even a brilliant idea struggles to take flight. I've personally faced such situations multiple times. Admitting failure and adjusting strategies to achieve growth targets is crucial. What I call the Plan B strategy involves preparing for the possibility that the chosen primary strategy might not succeed. It's a cautious approach, anticipating that if the primary strategy falls short of meeting growth goals, an alternative method must be devised to achieve those objectives.
  6. Execution is the King - Old but gold. The organisation must possess the capacity to implement enhancements to its production environment. This is particularly crucial in situations where the business is experiencing flat growth (or negative). Following the idea that doing nothing results in getting stuck, it's crucial to actively make changes. Proactive transformation is necessary for continuous growth and staying strong in a competitive environment.


In navigating the dynamic landscape of high-volume consumer digital data business, the pursuit of sustainable growth demands solid foundations. The key takeaways are::

  1. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Leadership, led by the CEO, spreads a growth mindset throughout the organisation.
  2. Emphasise a Unified Message: Effective leaders concentrate on one central theme and set clear numerical goals.
  3. Practical Testing Over Excel: Real-world implementation trumps Excel exercises; test ideas on a small scale, fine-tuning as needed.
  4. Swiftly Abandon Unsuccessful Ideas: Leaders must be ready to let go, having a contingency plan for ideas misaligned with growth goals.
  5. Adaptability for Sustainable Growth: The Plan B strategy anticipates alternative approaches, emphasising adaptability and strategic adjustments.
  6. Execution is the King: The organisation must excel in implementing production enhancements. In times of stagnant business, the golden rule prevails—'change something, or risk staying flat.' Being adaptable is crucial to overcoming stagnation and promoting growth.

In essence, true growth leaders transcend rhetoric; they demand growth, leading by example and driving change until the desired trajectory is achieved. The ability to adapt, learn from failures, and pivot distinguishes successful growth strategies in the consumer business arena.


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