Building Financial Independence
Iscinova Durio-Gray, M.Ed.
Independent Educational Consultant, Public Speaker, Trainer, and Author
If the recent government shutdown, companies moving out the country, and life changes have taught me anything, it's no job is secure. We have to have a plan B and sometimes a C. Managing your financial portfolio and having multiple income streams are important for building financial independence.
Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, but there are some who find a way to take what they have and make it stretch beyond. Sacrificing the big ticket items for free adventure is one of those ways. A picnic in the park can be just as sweet as a meal in a restaurant. Family cooking at a well set table with music in the background is less expensive than a family outing. Fewer lights on during the day and less electronics can really cut down on a utility bill. Purchasing a hybrid car may not always be stylish, but it cuts gas in half. Learning to recycle clothes instead of buying the newest fads can make you look like a designer without the prices. Sometimes, even these steps aren't enough. So here's something else to do. Get a second job you can do virtually. It doesn't require traveling, offers flexible hours, and yields high income potential.
Most people enjoy conversing. Why not get educated and put your skill to use helping yourself and others build financial independence? If you're interested, check out or