Building a Dream Team: Why Attitude Matters in the Hiring Process

Building a Dream Team: Why Attitude Matters in the Hiring Process

The attitude of team members can make or break an organization. The saying still stands true “hire for attitude and train for skills.” Individuals with the right mindset, drive, communication skills, and vision can bring a positive change to the company. In this blog, we highlight the key attributes of highly successful teams comprising people with the right attitude. Learn how hiring for attitude can deliver results and increase employee retention.?

It is indisputable that outstanding people are essential to building a great company. However, how many businesses are as selective in hiring as they are at ease assessing potential employees while making an investment proposal? It is an all too typical reality that hiring procedures are shoddily constructed and carried out in far too many businesses. Assessing cultural fit in candidates has always been a challenge.

Naturally, deciding to hire exceptional individuals begs an even more fundamental question: How do you identify them when you come across them? Many businesses have been asking themselves that question in the past few years. They have examined what distinguishes their hires that work well from those that don't work out. Careers at Tntra have also followed the same route.

These businesses, similar to Tntra, all came to the same conclusion: what people know is less important than who they are. They contend that hiring is not just about identifying candidates with relevant experience. It's about identifying those with a mindset that aligns with the organization’s goals. These businesses train for skill and hire for attitude. When the attitude is right, skill acquisition through training programs is simpler.

How to Identify People with the Right Attitude

A few characteristics that could be useful in determining whether an applicant has what it takes to succeed in their career are listed below:?

  1. Drive: Candidates with a strong sense of drive and a strong desire to complete tasks on schedule are more valuable than anything. In every circumstance, they assume complete control and take satisfaction in finishing the tasks. They exhibit a significant display of the aforementioned "fire in the belly" trait when interacting with you. They are training for workplace success in everything they do.
  2. Willingness to Learn: These people are eager to learn new skills and aren't afraid to own their ignorance. When people see room for development, they are inspired to increase their knowledge. They are highly flexible to shifting technology or market demands and continuously work to acquire new abilities and behaviors.
  3. Perseverance: Successful people exhibit realistic optimism. Realistic in that they constantly see the bright side of things and support taking action. Even when things don't go their way, they may remain resilient because of their optimism. They recognize that failure is a necessary part of the trip and have the maturity to gain insight from their mistakes, so they don't take failure personally.
  4. Communication Skills: Effective communication is one of the key characteristics of top performers. They can accomplish their goals using various communication tools depending on the audience. They are expressive in offering answers in a straightforward way that is understandable to others and have strong listening skills that enable them to clearly understand the challenges. Tntra places a special emphasis on soft skills in hiring.
  5. Visionary: Seeing the bigger context is one of successful individuals' most important skills. They always begin a task by asking, "Why?" They have lofty aspirations and the capacity to consider several approaches to realizing them. They remain enthused and passionate about their vision and ambitions because they think they can move closer to them every day.?

Hiring for Attitude Delivers Results?

Finding applicants early on who fits in with your company's culture can assist in cutting recruitment costs while streamlining the selection process. Hiring professionals who can succeed in their roles is made more likely by concentrating on candidates who align with your company's values and flourish within your organizational culture.

Workers aligned with your organization's mission and values typically report higher levels of job satisfaction. Hiring people whose values coincide with yours improves the likelihood that you will retain employees over the long run.

The skills you require might quickly alter as you develop and progress. At first, hiring for highly specialized positions might not be the best course of action because, as the business grows, team members will likely need to take on various roles and hats.

By hiring based on attitude, you may select people based on how well they fit the company's values, shape them into the jobs that require them most, and provide them with the necessary training when needs arise.

At Tntra, a leading software product engineering company, we follow attitude-oriented hiring practices that allow us to deliver the best results to our clients. If you want to hire candidates for your project, we are the best place to find people capable of making your dreams come to reality. Contact us today!

If you are a candidate who wants to make a mark in the industry, connect with us on Tntra careers.



