Building and deploying a fully functioning website on AWS using Python & Server less Lambda, SNS, API Gateway

Building and deploying a fully functioning website on AWS using Python & Server less Lambda, SNS, API Gateway


?Building and deploying a fully functioning website on AWS using Python and Serverless Lambda, Simple Notification Service (SNS), S3 bucket, API Gateway, HTML, and JavaScript is an exciting project that can significantly enhance your skills as a developer.

?AWS provides a robust platform for hosting websites, and using these tools will allow you to create an efficient and scalable website without the need for traditional servers

Setting up the Environment

?Before you can start building your website, you need to set up your environment. First, you'll need to create an AWS account if you don't already have one. Next, you'll need to install the AWS CLI and configure it with your access key and secret access key.

?Once you have your environment set up, you can start building your website by creating your Lambda function and setting up your SNS topic.

Creating Your Lambda Function

?Your Lambda function will be responsible for handling requests from your website's users. To create your function, you'll need to write your code in Python and upload it to AWS Lambda.

?Once your function is created, you can test it using the AWS Lambda console or the AWS CLI. You can then integrate your function with other AWS services like SNS and API Gateway.

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Using SNS and API Gateway

?SNS is a messaging service that allows you to send notifications to subscribed endpoints or clients. You can use SNS to notify your Lambda function when an event occurs, such as a new user signing up for your website.

?API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. You can use API Gateway to create a RESTful API that integrates with your Lambda function and allows users to interact with your website.

?Create an API Gateway to handle incoming requests to your Lambda function. Navigate to the AWS API Gateway console and click on "Create API". Select the "REST API" option and choose "New API". Give your API a name and click on "Create API". Once your API is created, click on "Create Method" and select the HTTP method you want to use (eg: GET, POST). Choose the "Lambda Function" integration type and paste your Lambda function's ARN into the "Lambda Function" field. Save your changes.

?Set up a Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic to handle email notifications for your website. To do this, navigate to the AWS SNS console and click on "Create topic". Give your topic a name and click on "Create topic". Once your topic is created, copy the topic's ARN for use in the next step.

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Modify the lambda code

?Modify your Lambda function to include code that sends email notifications when certain actions are taken on your website. For example, you might want to send an email notification when a user submits a contact form. To do this, you can use the SNS SDK for Python to publish a message to your SNS topic.?

Storing Data with S3

?S3 is a highly scalable, durable, and secure object storage service that allows you to store and retrieve data from anywhere on the web. You can use S3 to store images, videos, and other static content for your website.

?To use S3, you'll need to create a bucket and configure it with the appropriate permissions. You can then upload your files to the bucket and serve them to your users using URLs.

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Building Your Website

?Now that you have all the pieces in place, you can start building your website. You'll need to create your HTML and JavaScript files and upload them to S3. You can then configure your API Gateway to route requests to your Lambda function and serve your website to your users.

?As you build your website, you can use AWS Cloud Watch to monitor your Lambda function and API Gateway for errors and performance issues. Now open the index.html file your website is ready……..

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?And the website is working successfully, and message has been displayed as : Thank you, you’re was sent.


