Building a Decentralized API Marketplace with Oracle Integration
Sadikur Rahman
Experienced .NET Developer, Team Lead, and Blockchain Enthusiast with Proficiency in SQL Server, Frontend Development, and Node.js. Building Innovative Solutions( mobile and web application) for Finance, Education.
Welcome to our comprehensive tutorial on building a decentralized API marketplace with integrated oracle service! In this tutorial, we'll cover the creation of both a decentralized API marketplace and a decentralized oracle service, merging them into a single cohesive project. By combining these two essential components, we empower developers to securely access external data and integrate it into their applications on the blockchain.
Project Overview
Our project aims to provide a complete solution for developers and businesses to access external data and services in a secure, transparent, and decentralized manner. By building a decentralized API marketplace, we enable the discovery and consumption of APIs, while the integrated oracle service facilitates the secure retrieval of external data and its delivery to smart contracts on the blockchain.
Key Features
Our combined project will include the following key features:
Technology Stack
To build our decentralized API marketplace with oracle integration, we'll utilize the following technologies:
Project Structure
Our combined project will consist of the following components:
Implementation Details
Smart Contracts
We'll start by defining our smart contracts for both the decentralized API marketplace and the decentralized oracle service.
Decentralized API Marketplace Contract
// APIRegistry.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract APIRegistry {
struct API {
address provider;
string name;
string description;
uint256 price;
mapping(address => API) public apis;
event APIRegistered(address indexed provider, string name, string description, uint256 price);
event APIConsumed(address indexed consumer, address indexed provider, string name, uint256 price);
function registerAPI(string memory name, string memory description, uint256 price) external {
apis[msg.sender] = API(msg.sender, name, description, price);
emit APIRegistered(msg.sender, name, description, price);
function consumeAPI(address provider) external payable {
require(apis[provider].provider != address(0), "API does not exist");
require(msg.value == apis[provider].price, "Incorrect payment amount");
emit APIConsumed(msg.sender, provider, apis[provider].name, apis[provider].price);
Decentralized Oracle Service Contract
// Oracle.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract Oracle {
mapping(address => string) public requests;
event DataRequested(address indexed consumer, string url);
event DataProvided(address indexed consumer, string result);
function requestData(address consumer, string memory url) external {
requests[consumer] = url;
emit DataRequested(consumer, url);
function provideData(address consumer, string memory result) external {
string memory requestedUrl = requests[consumer];
require(bytes(requestedUrl).length > 0, "No data request exists for the consumer");
// Clear the request after providing data
delete requests[consumer];
// Do something with the provided data, such as emitting an event
emit DataProvided(consumer, result);
Oracle Client
Next, we'll implement our oracle client responsible for making HTTP requests to external APIs and providing the result to the oracle contract.
// OracleClient.js
const axios = require('axios');
const requestData = async (oracleContract, consumer, url) => {
// Send data request to the oracle contract
await oracleContract.methods.requestData(consumer, url).send({ from: consumer });
const provideData = async (oracleContract, consumer, result) => {
// Provide fetched data to the oracle contract
await oracleContract.methods.provideData(consumer, result).send({ from: consumer });
const fetchData = async (url) => {
// Fetch data from external API
const response = await axios.get(url);
module.exports = { requestData, provideData, fetchData };
Frontend Interface
Finally, we'll build a user-friendly frontend interface for our decentralized API marketplace.
// APIMarketplace.jsx
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import Web3 from 'web3';
import APIRegistryContract from '../contracts/APIRegistry.json';
import OracleContract from '../contracts/Oracle.json';
import OracleClient from './OracleClient';
const APIMarketplace = () => {
const [web3, setWeb3] = useState(null);
const [accounts, setAccounts] = useState([]);
const [apiRegistry, setAPIRegistry] = useState(null);
const [oracleContract, setOracleContract] = useState(null);
const [apis, setAPIs] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const initWeb3 = async () => {
if (window.ethereum) {
const web3Instance = new Web3(window.ethereum);
try {
await window.ethereum.enable();
const accounts = await web3Instance.eth.getAccounts();
} catch (error) {
console.error('User denied account access');
} else if (window.web3) {
const web3Instance = window.web3;
const accounts = await web3Instance.eth.getAccounts();
} else {
console.error('No Ethereum interface injected into browser');
const initContract = async () => {
if (web3) {
const networkId = await;
const apiRegistryNetwork = APIRegistryContract.networks[networkId];
const oracleNetwork = OracleContract.networks[networkId];
if (apiRegistryNetwork && oracleNetwork) {
const apiRegistryInstance = new web3.eth.Contract(
apiRegistryNetwork && apiRegistryNetwork.address
const oracleContractInstance = new web3.eth.Contract(
oracleNetwork && oracleNetwork.address
} else {
console.error('Contract not deployed to detected network');
}, []);
const fetchAPIs = async () => {
if (apiRegistry) {
const apis = await Promise.all( (account) => {
const api = await apiRegistry.methods.apis(account).call();
return api;
setAPIs(apis.filter((api) => api.provider !== '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'));
const consumeAPI = async (provider) => {
if (web3 && oracleContract) {
const consumer = accounts[0];
const url = ''; // Replace with your API endpoint
try {
await OracleClient.requestData(oracleContract, consumer, url);
// Handle successful request
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error requesting data:', error);
useEffect(() => {
}, [accounts, apiRegistry]);
return (
<h1>Decentralized API Marketplace</h1>
{, index) => (
<li key={index}>
<strong>Name:</strong> {}
<strong>Description:</strong> {api.description}
<strong>Price:</strong> {web3 && web3.utils.fromWei(api.price, 'ether')} ETH
<button onClick={() => consumeAPI(api.provider)}>Consume API</button>
export default APIMarketplace;
With the completion of our combined project, we've created a powerful solution for accessing external data and services on the blockchain. By integrating a decentralized API marketplace with a decentralized oracle service, we empower developers to securely access and integrate external data into their applications, all within a decentralized ecosystem. This project lays the foundation for building a wide range of decentralized applications that require external data integration, from finance to gaming and beyond.
In our next tutorial, we'll explore advanced topics such as data authenticity verification, decentralized consensus mechanisms, and frontend enhancements, further enhancing the capabilities and usability of our decentralized API marketplace with oracle integration.