"Building Customer Relationships Isn't Really Important Right Now!"
David Ganulin
Working with the Integrity Square Team on our Mission to help reduce loneliness, diabetes, and obesity by bringing capital and creating jobs in the HALO sector. (Health, Active Lifestyle, Outdoors.)
I nearly hit the floor.
This was in response to a bar owner I was talking to while (possibly) on-boarding them for a free trial for text message marketing. As a marketer, I really wouldn't have been able to fathom the thinking that went behind this.
Until now.
COVID has pushed leases, stupidly unreasonable landlords, and the hospitality industry to the brink. So yes . . . I get it.
But still. This mindset is so completely and utterly wrong. I understand it. Absolutely. But it's still wrong. Here's why: Now, more than ever, is exactly the time to focus on customer relationships. Customers want to support small businesses. They want to (and are) tipping more than normal. They are going out (more than normal . . . and because of quarantine fatigue) and on and on.
The sad fact is, even when times are good, bar and restaurant owners typically do a pretty horrible job at things like this anyway. If you're a small business owner with a brick and mortar location. . . .do whatever you can right now to double down on this generosity. People want to help! Give them the opportunity to do so. Text message marketing fits that bill perfectly.
I've talked about this before.
Use SMS to build up a list and stay in touch. There's nothing more effective. Period. And it's certainly not expensive. Most of my clients fall anywhere from $39-$99 a month, with no contracts.
Long time customer, Russian Samovar did this a while back when the family took the business back over.
Something else that really kills it is to offer an in-house gift card for say $50 or whatever. You use the (cloud based) software to run a text-to-win campaign where, at the end of the month, someone wins, but everyone who enters gets a "consolation prize" as a thank you for entering.
That's typically an offer good for XXXX which it expires automatically in 7 days. (This encourages repeat visits.) The system automatically reminds them of that expiration too, which means you don't even have to follow up.
I can go on. There's polls, questionnaires, birthday programs, loyalty programs, etc. SMS marketing though is never about "the tech." If people like your brand, trust you, and want to support you. . .they WILL pick up their phone and they WILL opt in. . . but only if you give them the opportunity to do so!
Buttercup Bake Shop, also a long time client, has this on the back of their business cards. Very smart.
I have a ton more examples. Happy to share. But here's the caveat. . .
If you don't think building up a list of hundreds of people voluntarily opting in so you can send them offers, get them to come back in, say "Thank you for supporting us!', etc isn't "worth it". . . stop reading now. Nothing to see here. These aren't the droids you're looking for. Thank you for playing.
- If, on the other hand, you "get it" and you realize the power that SMS marketing has. . .and you realize keeping these relationships going (especially now!) is more critical than ever, email me and we'll get you going on a free trial.
- No credit cards.
- We make the table cards (with your approval.) We give your staff a one-sheeter to help train them to talk about it.
- You put them on your tables outside.
- Finished. The end. It's that easy.
Let's just get this going! [email protected]
Last thing: I've been in marketing for 15+ years, and Local Mobile has been in business for 5. Helping small businesses is a huge passion, and I love doing it, and it's killing me to see what's happening, but the stubbornness of (some) bar/restaurant owners/managers and their unwillingness to focus on matters as important as this kills me even more,
I've been extremely lucky in that many clients have been with me since Day 1.
And it's not just because I'm insanely charming, know what I'm talking about, am smart, and ridiculously good looking ;) but it's because this stuff is cost effective . . . and just flat out works.
Reach out.