Building Cross-Cultural Bridges: Why You Should Hire An International Intern
GACC Midwest - German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest, Inc.
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In today’s global work environment, international experience is indispensable when applying for a job you want and in the everyday work of intercultural teams around the world. International internships are a great way to gain cross-cultural work experience. They are especially popular among currently enrolled students and recent college graduates to provide them with valuable, practical skills in a real-world work environment.
For the organizations that hire them, international interns offer a wealth of benefits. Interns contribute to a company’s success and enhance the work culture by bringing in fresh energy, new perspectives, foreign language skills, and the ability to bridge cultural barriers.
?In this article, we will explore some of these benefits and offer an overview of the steps necessary to move forward with hiring an international intern at your company.
1.??? Fresh Perspectives: International interns often have exposure to different educational systems, work practices, and technologies. Their global outlook enriches problem-solving approaches and fosters creativity. 1
2.??? Cross-Cultural Experience & Understanding: International interns create a dynamic multicultural atmosphere in the workplace. Their experience enhances intercultural communication and promotes empathy and understanding. 2 For example, if an organization is a subsidiary of a German company based in the United States, hiring an intern from Germany can develop deeper understanding between American and German colleagues as they navigate cross-cultural communication and work styles in their day to day lives. Understanding a different culture is the cornerstone for catering to the different needs of your customer bases from different countries.
3.??? Expanded Hiring Pool: By considering international interns, companies can tap into a broader talent pool. In their search for a good fit, a company does not have to be limited to the candidates near its branch which can lead to discovering exceptional candidates who might not be available locally. According to data provided by the U.S. Department of State, 19,039 interns from around the world participated in the J-1 intern program in the US in 2023. Of that number, 2,777 worked for Host Companies in the Midwest region. 4 5 ?6
4.??? Professional Networking: Interns from different countries can help organizations establish connections across borders. At the end of their program, interns return to their home country and expand a company’s network. These networks can be valuable for future collaborations, partnerships, or business expansion. 3
In summary, international internships offer a win-win situation: interns gain real-world experience and build their resumes, while organizations benefit from diverse perspectives and a global talent pool.?
If you consider hiring an intern from abroad, GACC Midwest can assist your company in obtaining the J-1 Exchange Visitor visa for your intern . Any J1 intern applicant will need to present a “DS-2019 Certificate of Eligibility” at a U.S. Consulate in their home country: as an official visa sponsor, GACC Midwest is authorized by the U.S. Department of State to issue the DS-2019 Certificate of Eligibility to interns.
The J-1 visa program is open to companies in the US hiring interns from countries outside of the United States and?is by no means limited to just hires from Germany.
Whether you are an aspiring intern or an employer looking to strengthen and expand their workforce with international talent – considering the advantages of international internships may very well be worth your time.
1. Global Internships (2022): Global Internships: "Hiring International Students: The Ultimate Guide for Employers."
2. Global Internships (2023): "International Student Internships In The US"
4. Capital Placement (2023): Capital Placement: "Benefits of an international internship: What’s different?"
6. BridgeUSA: “Participant and Sponsor Totals 2023.” Retrieved June, 2024.