Building conversations about computing
Julian Dumitrascu
My teams make available people, services, and means that help manage relationships, resources, and data.
Let's agree on what means serve us best!
1. LinkedIn
1.1 (newsletter) articles
1.2 group posts
1.3 public talks
1.4 page messages
It seems one can't chat with this page any longer.
LinkedIn has enabled its chat and has disabled it without communicating with us. We don't want any provider to treat customers like this. What about you?
Denalee Bell You've started following the page Sol Content . Do you prefer to know that a message comes from me or to receive pseudonymous messages e.g. from the page of the Sol Content team? I've known you for many years. I just feel I must identify myself when I address you.
Zarqa Nawaz I'm sorry that only 24 people rated your film series and that they rated it so low. It seems more valuable than this. We can talk about featuring it with the service Sol Content.
2. Guilded server group for writing and talking publicly and privately
3. Discord server channel for writing and talking publicly and privately
Feel free to discuss any software!
I'd like us to build useful conversations.
Software must also allow us to discuss things and manage data as privately as you like.
I'm going to mention in comments people who seem interested in data management or other topics of computing.
My teams make available people, services, and means that help manage relationships, resources, and data.
1 年Adam Cordy