Building Community
Are you interested in building community? Of course, there are many definitions of “community” and countless ways to go about developing one. If this sounds like something you would like to do to enhance your business while at the same time cultivating great local business relationships, we are here to help.
Gratitude Goodies has been serving the metro Georgia area (and beyond) since 2009 – providing meaningful expressions of thanks in the form of tailored tasty treats for all occasions and budgets. Indeed, what better way to build a community than connecting through a tangible show of appreciation? A heartfelt smile, a thank you note, a gift basket, some sort of recognition saying, “We appreciate you...We appreciate your business. What can we achieve together in 2017?”
Building Community as a New Year’s Resolution
No doubt, we’ve all made resolutions that we haven’t kept. But here’s one you can almost certainly keep – to grow professionally this year. Is there a current (or potential) business associate or client you would like to express gratitude to? If so, it’s not too late to wish them an abundant new year. Call us today to let us help you get started.
Speaking of community, there’s no question about it...we do love our home here in Forsyth County! Yet, our community circle is ever-widening to Atlanta and throughout Georgia, so won’t you join us? How may we help you build your community?
All best wishes to you and yours in the new year. Thank you for making us Atlanta’s #1 signature gift basket company!
Diane Campbell | Gratitude Goodies | | 770-886-9598