Building the CleanWeb- Day 23 #100Days100Words

Building the CleanWeb- Day 23 #100Days100Words

It is still early days for the CleanWeb and when I share about it with others, like I did today at the CleanTech Forum I get to share with them both my enthusiasm, and also the far-reaching possibilities. It’s still undeveloped so there are no limits on it yet, no bounds for what is possible or probable just yet.

I got to use those conversations and “catch-ups” as product feedback sessions from potential users. What is it that they want? What would be most useful to them? Most of the responses that I got were more questions, which allows me to expand the idea even further, giving me more possibilities for its uses, not less, which I greatly appreciate.

At the heart of the CleanWeb though are the people working to protect this planet. Each of them is a node in this web, linking disparate regions, companies, technologies, and other people together. And it is through this web that we will achieve our goals of limiting global temperature rise and transitioning to a circular, sustainable economy.



