Building a CI/CD pipeline for an AWS Lambda function using AWS CodePipeline
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Building a CI/CD pipeline for an AWS Lambda function using AWS CodePipeline

A guide on building a CI/CD pipeline for a serverless Java application using AWS Lambda, AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), and AWS CodePipeline.


Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) are software development practices for producing software in short cycles between merging source code changes and updating applications. The ultimate goal of these practices is to reduce the costs, time, and risks by delivering software in small pieces.

The AWS Cloud has a complete set of tools for building CI/CD pipelines for various types of?server,?serverless?and?container applications. AWS CodePipeline is the service that automates the stages of CI/CD pipelines. Typically these stages include pulling source code using AWS CodeCommit, building artifacts using AWS CodeBuild, and deploying applications using AWS CodeDeploy.

Serverless applications?in the AWS Cloud have specialized tools for building CI/CD pipelines. The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is a framework based on AWS CloudFormation that simplifies the development of serverless applications based on AWS Lambda.

What is CI/CD?

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Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration is a software development practice in which developers regularly commit and push their local changes back to the shared repository (usually several times a day). By fetching and merging changes from other developers they mitigated the risk of complicated conflict resolution. Before each commit, developers can run unit tests locally on their source code as an additional check before integrating. A?continuous integration?service automatically builds and runs unit tests on the new source code changes to catch any errors immediately.

The goal of Continuous Integration is quick integration of changes from individual developers in the team.

Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery is a software development practice that extends Continuous Integration in which source code changes are?automatically prepared?for deployment to a production instance. After a build, the build artifact with new changes is deployed to a staging instance where advanced (integration, acceptance, load, end-to-end, etc.) tests are run. If needed, the build artifact is automatically deployed to the production instance after?manual?approval.

The goal of Continuous Delivery is an automated process to prepare a tested build artifact, ready for automatic deployment to a production instance.

Continuous Deployment

Continuous Deployment is a software development practice that extends Continuous Delivery in which source code changes are?automatically deployed?to a production instance. The difference between Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment is the presence of manual approval. With Continuous Delivery, deployment to production occurs automatically?after?manual approval. With Continuous Deployment, deployment to production occurs automatically?without?manual approval.

The goal of Continuous Deployment is a short cycle between fully automated applying source code changes from developers and obtaining feedback from customers.

AWS services for CI/CD

AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation is an?infrastructure-as-code?service that automates the creation, updating or deletion groups of related AWS and third-party resources. You describe the resources that you want to manage in a text configuration file, and AWS CloudFormation creates the resources when the configuration file is created and modifies or deletes the resources when the configuration file is updated. Using AWS CloudFormation for automated resource management makes deploying and updating resources faster and more reliable.

AWS CloudFormation has the following concepts:

An AWS CloudFormation?template?is a configuration file that declares the resources you want to create and configure.

An AWS CloudFormation?stack?is a group of resources that are created using a?template?as a blueprint. To create, update or delete resources in a stack, you should modify the corresponding?template.

An AWS CloudFormation?stack set?is a group of?stacks?that you can create, update, or delete across multiple accounts and regions with a single operation.

An AWS CloudFormation?change set?is a list of proposed?stack?changes after submitting a new?template?version. You can review the?change set?and apply or cancel it.

AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM)

AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is an?open-source framework?for building serverless applications based on AWS Lambda. AWS SAM is based on AWS CloudFormation and supports all AWS CloudFormation features plus several additional macros and command-line commands. AWS SAM uses macros to expand its single resources into multiple configured AWS CloudFormation resources, which simplify the development of serverless applications. AWS SAM can run AWS Lambda functions locally in a Docker container that emulates an AWS Lambda execution environment, which allows writing integration tests for AWS Lambda functions during CI/CD pipeline.

AWS CloudFormation?transforms?are macros managed by AWS CloudFormation versus regular macros managed by application developers.

AWS SAM consists of the following components:

AWS SAM?template?specification lets you define your serverless application: AWS Lambda functions, resources, IAM permissions, and event source mappings.

AWS SAM?command-line interface?(AWS SAM CLI) lets you build and test serverless applications defined by AWS SAM?templates.

Building a CI/CD pipeline

The serverless application

The example serverless application monitors the create and remove events in the source S3 bucket and notifies the target SNS topic with an email subscription. The?compute?layer of the serverless application uses a Lambda function implemented in Java. The?integration?layer of the serverless application uses S3 triggers to subscribe to the input events and an SNS client to write output events.

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The SAM template

File?template.yml?contains the SAM template that defines the resources of the serverless application.

This SAM template has three sections:

  1. the?Transform?section that contains the macro?AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31?that converts the SAM template into the CloudFormation template
  2. the?Parameters?section that declares the?TargetEmail?parameter (the email of the SNS email subscription) that you should pass to the template as?parameter overrides?during the?deploy?stage in the pipeline
  3. the?Resources?section that declares a combination of CloudFormation resources (source S3 bucket _AWS::S3::Bucket and target SNS topic?AWS::SNS::Topic) and SAM resource (macro?AWS::Serverless::Function?that during the?build?stage in the pipeline creates a Lambda function, IAM execution roles, and event source mappings)

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
   Type: String
   Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
   DeletionPolicy: Retain
     BucketName: !Sub "demo-ci-cd-source-bucket"
   Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
     TopicName: demo-ci-cd-target-topic
       - Endpoint: !Sub "${TargetEmail}"
         Protocol: email
   Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
     FunctionName: demo-ci-cd-lambda-function
     Handler: demo.S3ToSnsHandler::handleRequest
     Runtime: java11
     CodeUri: build/distributions/
         Region: !Sub "${AWS::Region}"
         TopicARN: !Sub "arn:aws:sns:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:demo-ci-cd-target-topic"
     AutoPublishAlias: live
       Type: AllAtOnce
     Timeout: 60
     MemorySize: 512
       - LambdaInvokePolicy:
           FunctionName: demo-ci-cd-lambda-function
       - S3ReadPolicy:
           BucketName: !Sub "demo-ci-cd-source-bucket"
       - SNSPublishMessagePolicy:
           TopicName: demo-ci-cd-target-topic
         Type: S3
           Bucket: !Ref SourceBucket
           Events: s3:ObjectCreated:*
         Type: S3
           Bucket: !Ref SourceBucket
           Events: s3:ObjectRemoved:*        

The environment variables?Region?and?TopicARN, required to build an SNS client inside the Lambda function, use the?pseudo parameters?AWS::Region?and?AWS::AccountId?that are predefined by CloudFormation.

The Lambda function

The class?S3ToSnsHandler?contains the Lambda function that is an implementation of the generic interface?RequestHandler?parametrized by input and output Lambda events types. The Lambda function handler receives an input S3 event as a method parameter. The Lambda function handler returns?null?because it sends an output SNS event by explicitly sending a request and receiving a response to the SNS client.

Lambda?is an AWS computing service that lets you run event-driven serverless applications. A?Lambda function?is a resource that you can invoke to run your code in?Lambda. A?Lambda function handler?is the method in your?Lambda function?code that processes events.
public class S3ToSnsHandler implements RequestHandler<S3Event, Void> {

   public Void handleRequest(S3Event event, Context context) {
       List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
       for (S3EventNotificationRecord record: event.getRecords()) {
           String eventName = record.getEventName();
           String bucketName = record.getS3().getBucket().getName();
           String objectKey = record.getS3().getObject().getKey();

           if ("ObjectCreated:Put".equals(eventName)) {
               messages.add(String.format("Object %s is created in bucket %s", 
                   objectKey, bucketName));
           if ("ObjectRemoved:Delete".equals(eventName)) {
               messages.add(String.format("Object %s is removed from bucket %s", 
                   objectKey, bucketName));

       String body = String.join("\n", messages);

       String region = System.getenv("Region");
       String topicARN = System.getenv("TopicARN");

       PublishRequest publishRequest = new PublishRequest(topicARN, body);
       PublishResult publishResult = getAmazonSNS(region).publish(publishRequest);

       return null;

   AmazonSNS getAmazonSNS(String region) {
      return AmazonSNSClient.builder()
              .withCredentials(new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain())

The unit test verifies the Lambda function during the?build?stage. To verify input, the test S3 events are loaded and deserialized from JSON text files. To verify output, the real SNS client and its request and response are replaced with mocks. The test class contains method?setEnvironment?based on Java Reflection hacks for passing environment variables?Region?and?TopicARN.

public class S3ToSnsHandlerTest {

   public void handleRequestTest(String fileName, String message) throws Exception {
       URL fileURL = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(fileName);
       String json = Files.readString(Path.of(fileURL.toURI()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
       S3Event event = new S3Event(S3Event.parseJson(json).getRecords());

       Map<String, String> environment = new HashMap<>();
       environment.put("Region", "eu-north-1");
       environment.put("TopicARN", "arn:aws:sns:::target-topic");

       Context context = createMock(Context.class);
       AmazonSNS amazonSNS = createMock(AmazonSNS.class);

       S3ToSnsHandler handler = new S3ToSnsHandler() {
           AmazonSNS getAmazonSNS(String region) {
               assertEquals("eu-north-1", region);
               return amazonSNS;

       Capture<PublishRequest> publishRequestCapture = newCapture();
       PublishResult publishResult = createMock(PublishResult.class);


       replay(context, amazonSNS, publishResult);
       handler.handleRequest(event, context);
       verify(context, amazonSNS, publishResult);

       PublishRequest publishRequest = publishRequestCapture.getValue();
       assertEquals(message, publishRequest.getMessage());
       assertEquals("arn:aws:sns:::target-topic", publishRequest.getTopicArn());

   private static Stream<Arguments> methodSource() {
       return Stream.of(
               Arguments.of("ObjectCreatedPut.json", "Object test/key is created in bucket source-bucket"),
               Arguments.of("ObjectRemovedDelete.json", "Object test/key is removed from bucket source-bucket")

The build specification

File?buildspec.yml?contains the specification for the?build?stage in the pipeline.

version: 0.2
     java: corretto11
     - ./gradlew clean buildZip
     - sam package
       --template-file template.yml
       --output-template-file package.yml
       --s3-bucket demo-ci-cd-sam-bucket
   - package.yml        

The build specification has three steps:

  1. install a Java runtime environment (Amazon Corretto 11)
  2. executing a Gradle task to build file?build/distributions/ the Lambda function with all its dependencies
  3. executing command?sam package?to upload the?zip?file to the S3 bucket and convert the SAM template?template.yml?to the CloudFormation template?package.yml

Note that the pipeline uses two different S3 buckets.

The first S3 bucket is used by SAM and stores the Lambda function with all its dependencies. This S3 bucket is specified by the?--s3-bucket?option. Note that command?sam package?also replaces the local path in the SAM template?template.yml?(CodeUri: build/distributions/ with the S3 object location in the CloudFormation template?package.yml?(CodeUri: s3://demo-ci-cd-sam-bucket/<32-character random string>).

The second S3 bucket is used by CodePipeline to store its?input and output artifacts. The template?package.yml?is stored in this bucket as an?output artifact?in the?build?stage and retrieved as the input artifact in the?deploy?stage. This bucket is specified when a CodePipeline pipeline is created and by default has the name?codepipeline-<region>-<12-digit random number>.

The pipeline

We will create a CodePipeline pipeline of three stages:

  1. source, which downloads the latest version of our source code from the CodeCommit repository
  2. build, which uses CodeBuild to build and test the source code and prepare the CloudFormation template
  3. deploy, which uses CloudFormation to create/update the serverless application

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Go to the CodeCommit page and the 'Create repository' button.

Enter the following parameters and click the 'Next' button:

  1. Repository name: demo-ci-cd-lambda-function

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Add content to the repository with your favorable Git tool.

Set executable permission on file?gradlew?in the repository with Git command:

git update-index --chmod=+x gradlew        

Pipeline settings

Go to the CodePipeline page and click the 'Create pipeline' button.

Enter the following parameters and click the 'Next' button:

  1. Pipeline name: demo-ci-cd-pipeline
  2. Service role: New service role

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In?Advanced settings?is specified the S3 bucket with the default name?codepipeline-<region>-<12-digit number>?that CodePipeline uses to store its input and output artifacts between stages.

Source stage

At the 'Add source stage' page enter the following parameters and click the 'Next' button:

  1. Source provider: AWS CodeCommit
  2. Repository name: demo-ci-cd-lambda-function
  3. Branch name: master

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At the time of writing, the?source?stage supports a few?source providers: AWS CodeCommit, Amazon ECR, Amazon S3, BitBucket, GitHub, and GitHub Enterprise Server.


When you create a CodePipeline, you can create a CodeBuild project at the same time. For this serverless application, it is better to create the CodeBuild project separately. This will grant the CodeBuild service role permissions to access the S3 bucket?demo-ci-cd-sam-bucket?where your packaged Lambda function is stored.

Go to the AWS CodeBuild page and click the 'Create build project' button.

Enter the following parameters and click the 'Create build project' button:

Project configuration

  1. Project name: demo-ci-cd-build


  1. Source provider: AWS CodeCommit
  2. Repository: demo-ci-cd-lambda-function
  3. Reference type: branch
  4. Branch: master


  1. Environment image: Managed image
  2. Operating system: Amazon Linux 2
  3. Runtime(s): Standard
  4. Image: aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:3.0
  5. Image version: Always use the latest image for this runtime version
  6. Service role: New service role


  1. Build specifications: Use a buildspec file


  1. Type: Amazon S3
  2. Bucket name: demo-ci-cd-sam-bucket
  3. Artifacts packaging: None

Build stage

At the 'Add build stage' page enter the following parameters and click the 'Next' button:

  1. Build provider: AWS CodeBuild
  2. Region: <region>
  3. Project name: demo-ci-cd-build

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At the time of writing, the?build?stage supports a few?build providers: AWS CodeBuild and Jenkins.

Service role for CloudFormation

You should manually create an IAM policy and an IAM service role to grant CloudFormation permissions to manage AWS resources when it creates or updates its stack during the?deploy?phase of the CodePipeline pipeline.

Go to the IAM page, select the 'Policies' page and click the 'Create policy' button. Click the 'Create policy' button, switch to the 'JSON' tab, and enter the following policy:

 "Version": "2012-10-17",
 "Statement": [
     "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
     "Effect": "Allow",
     "Action": [
     "Resource": "*"

Click the 'Next: Tags', 'Next: Review' buttons. Enter the policy name:?CloudFormationPolicy-demo-ci-cd. Click the 'Create policy' button.

Go to the IAM page, select the 'Roles' page and click the 'Create role' button. Select type of trusted entity: 'AWS service', Choose a use case: 'CloudFormation' and click the 'Next: Permissions' button. Find the newly created policy?CloudFormationPolicy-demo-ci-cd?and select it. Click the 'Next: Tags', 'Next: Review' buttons.

Enter the role name:?CloudFormationServiceRole-demo-ci-cd?and click the 'Create role' button.

Deploy stage

At the 'Add deploy stage' page enter the following parameters and click the 'Next' button:

  1. Deploy provider: AWS CloudFormation
  2. Region: <region>
  3. Action mode: Create or update a stack
  4. Stack name: demo-ci-cd-stack
  5. Template - Artifact name: BuildArtifact
  6. Template - File name: package.yml
  8. Role name: CloudFormationServiceRole-demo-ci-cd
  9. Advanced - Parameter overrides: {"TargetEmail": "<email>"}

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At the time of writing, the?deploy?stage supports a lot of?deploy providers: AWS AppConfig, AWS CloudFormation, AWS CloudFormation StackSet, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS OpsWorks Stacks, AWS Service Catalog, Amazon ECS, Amazon ECS (Blue/Green), and Amazon S3.

Capability?CAPABILITY_IAM?allows CloudFormation to create IAM resources (policies, roles, users, etc.). Since we do not specify the exact names of these IAM resources, we use capability?CAPABILITY_IAM?instead of capability?CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM.
Capability?CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND?is required when a template contains macros. A SAM template contains the?AWS::Serverless?transform, which is a macro provided by CloudFormation. This macro takes a SAM template and transforms it into a compliant CloudFormation template.


Review the pipeline and click the 'Create pipeline' button.

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Once you create the pipeline, it will start running. If running succeeds, the serverless application is created. If the execution fails, you can identify the source of the failure by clicking the 'Details' link on the failed stage. Once you fix the failure, you can continue to run the pipeline from the failed stage.

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On the 'CloudFormation - Stacks' page we can see what resources are created from the CloudFormation template after the pipeline has finished.

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Running a CI/CD pipeline

Test the Lambda function

We can test the Lambda function in a local environment. The following command prepares a test S3?put?event and invokes the Lambda function with this event in a Docker container that emulates a Lambda-like execution environment.

sam local generate-event s3 put --bucket source-bucket --key test/key | sam local invoke -e - demo-ci-cd-lambda-function        

If the call succeeds, the target SNS topic will send emails to the subscribed mailbox. In the console, you will see an output similar to this (Windows 10):

Reading invoke payload from stdin (you can also pass it from file with --event)
Invoking demo.S3ToSnsHandler::handleRequest (java11)
Decompressing D:\GitHub\demo-ci-cd-lambda-function\build\distributions\
Skip pulling image and use local one: amazon/aws-sam-cli-emulation-image-java11:rapid-1.26.0.

Mounting C:\Users\John_Doe\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpnqhgkgpe as /var/task:ro,delegated inside runtime container
START RequestId: 56086afc-1a57-4ed2-b67a-108694a8384d Version: $LATEST

2021-08-20 15:59:46 56086afc-1a57-4ed2-b67a-108694a8384d INFO  S3ToSnsHandler - S3 event: ...
2021-08-20 15:59:46 56086afc-1a57-4ed2-b67a-108694a8384d INFO  S3ToSnsHandler - context: ...
2021-08-20 15:59:46 56086afc-1a57-4ed2-b67a-108694a8384d INFO  S3ToSnsHandler - S3 message: ...
2021-08-20 15:59:46 56086afc-1a57-4ed2-b67a-108694a8384d INFO  S3ToSnsHandler - event name: ObjectCreated:Put
2021-08-20 15:59:46 56086afc-1a57-4ed2-b67a-108694a8384d INFO  S3ToSnsHandler - S3 bucket: source-bucket
2021-08-20 15:59:46 56086afc-1a57-4ed2-b67a-108694a8384d INFO  S3ToSnsHandler - S3 key: test/key
2021-08-20 15:59:46 56086afc-1a57-4ed2-b67a-108694a8384d INFO  S3ToSnsHandler - SNS message body: "Object test/key is created in bucket source-bucket"
2021-08-20 15:59:46 56086afc-1a57-4ed2-b67a-108694a8384d INFO  S3ToSnsHandler - region: eu-north-1
2021-08-20 15:59:46 56086afc-1a57-4ed2-b67a-108694a8384d INFO  S3ToSnsHandler - topic ARN: arn:aws:sns:eu-north-1:798059032812:demo-ci-cd-target-topic
2021-08-20 15:59:46 56086afc-1a57-4ed2-b67a-108694a8384d INFO  S3ToSnsHandler - SNS publish request: ...
2021-08-20 15:59:49 56086afc-1a57-4ed2-b67a-108694a8384d INFO  S3ToSnsHandler - SNS publish result: ...

END RequestId: 56086afc-1a57-4ed2-b67a-108694a8384d
REPORT RequestId: 56086afc-1a57-4ed2-b67a-108694a8384d Init Duration: 0.20 ms Duration: 4942.83 ms   Billed Duration: 5000 ms   Memory Size: 512 MB    Max Memory Used: 512 MB   
At the time of writing, AWS SAM does not support passing pseudo parameters into the local execution environment.

We also can test the Lambda function in a real environment. Go to the 'Lambda function' page and select the 'Test' tab. Select the test event 'Amazon S3 Put' or 'Amazon S3 delete', and click the 'Test' button. After the call succeeds or fails, click the 'Logs' link and view the logs in the CloudWatch log stream. If the call succeeds, the target SNS topic will send emails to the subscribed mailbox too.

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Run the serverless application

We can now add or remove objects in the source S3 bucket and see that the target SNS target topic sends emails into the subscribed mailbox.

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Modify the serverless application

We can now modify the serverless application, commit and push some changes. This will automatically start the pipeline that, if successful, will deploy the new version of the serverless application.


AWS has a comprehensive set of services for building CI/CD pipelines for various types of AWS applications. You can set up a pipeline that monitors changes in a source control service and automatically creates or updates the application.

If you want to start with a CI/CD pipeline, try to start with the following steps:

  • make build and deployment automated and fast
  • pull changes of other developers as often as possible (at least once a day)
  • run automated tests locally before pushing the changes to the remote server
  • write automated tests for each new feature, refactoring, or bug fix
  • keep the quality of the automated tests the same as the quality of the code
  • cover a significant part of the code with automated tests (at least 75%)
  • fix the build as soon as it is broken (at least on the same day)
  • be familiar with?feature flags?to merge incomplete features into the main branch
  • make the development environment as close as possible to the production environment

Complete code examples are available in the?GitHub repository.


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