Building Character
Talent is a gift, but our character is a choice, and we have the power to determine it. What is character? Character comes from the Greek word?kharakter, meaning “to engrave.” When someone has character, they’re trustworthy, honest, humble, dependable, and courageous—they have every positive personality trait in the book! Building character doesn’t happen overnight; it’s something you gain from experience.?
Is our choice to build people up or pull them down? How do we answer moral and ethical questions in our lives? How do we respond to our environment? A person’s character is the set of moral and ethical qualities that guide their behavior and actions. It is influenced by their beliefs, values, and life experiences. So how do we choose?
It is not easy because we are influenced by so many things and people. Character starts, however, with the people we choose to associate with. We are impacted by our parents, family, and friends. They can provide either a positive or negative influence. Do we have to accept it?
Everything in life depends on the TRUTH! We make choices based upon knowing this TRUTH. If we are deceived in any way, we will not make the right decision and we will fail in whatever we are trying to accomplish. There can only be one TRUTH. TRUTH discernment is essential to character.
This power rests on a foundation consisting of the choices we make in life. And those choices almost always dictate the amount of trust others have in us, and to what level of leadership we rise. John Maxwell puts it this way…” Your success stops where your character stops!”
So, you want to become a better person. You want to build “character.” Here are some things that you must do:
There are many other practices that can help you build character. Some of the factors that contribute to building character include:
It’s about when challenges hit you. Do you take a deep breath and keep moving forward, or do you let them consume you? How will you become a better version of yourself? It’s about staying true to yourself and your beliefs when faced with difficult decisions. It’s how you treat others, even when no one is watching.