Building Bridges, not walls
Victoria Abiola Ajayi
Media CEO | Strategic Business Leader | Author | Women’s Leadership Advocate | Board Advisor | ACCA Global Council Member
Hi there,?
I can't believe it's been almost two months of consistent posting. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Your engagements have been invaluable, and I am excited to dive into another profound topic for today's discussion.
But first, let me ask you this: have you ever noticed how a simple change of attitude can weaken a relationship you have built over the years?
The way you react and respond during disagreements either at work, at home, or with your friend can create unnecessary tension or distance in a relationship.?
We often build a shield of defense to hide our insecurities, fear, pride, or ego, thinking we are doing the best thing to protect ourselves. In reality, these invisible walls we build only confine us.?
Attitude is everything. This definition best describes the meaning of attitude according to a publication by Springer Cham, 'Attitude can be defined as the way in which a person views and evaluates something or someone, a predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively toward a certain idea, object, person, or situation.'
Attitude is an invisible force that projects your perception and shapes how you connect with others. Your attitude determines what you build in a relationship. It's either you are constructing walls or bridges.?
The truth is no one is perfect; we all, at some point in our lives, have built walls around our relationships to push people away. Maybe we didn't know any better or just maybe it was necessary to set boundaries.?
However, you can choose to break those walls you've built around you and start building bridges instead. Bridges, not walls, are what strengthen relationships and foster deeper connections. These relationships are not just limited to your personal life, they also affect your professional journey and how you lead.?
Let's explore how you can make intentional choices to build bridges that foster trust, communication, and growth.
Building Bridges
Take a moment to reflect and think about the walls you have built around your relationships recently. Be sincere with yourself while doing this. Identify these walls and begin to tear them down in your mind. Replace the wall of fear with empathy, replace the wall of pride or egoism with humility, and replace the wall of insecurity with openness. This may seem like a simple exercise but try it out and let me know how you feel.?
Building bridges is in the intentional choices we make every day. Instead of looking to be understood, change your focus to understanding the other person first. Admitting you are wrong is a sign of strength, not weakness. Humility exalts you while pride goes before a fall. Also, be open to new perspectives. Don't be too comfortable in your zone; when others challenge what you know, be willing to listen first rather than being defensive.? In my book, 'The Precision-Led Woman’, I talked about the important qualities of a leader and the importance of empathy and emotional Intelligence (EI) in leadership. Get a copy here .
Viewing situations from a different perspective can break down the strongest walls you've built around you.?
As simple as this topic seems, in leadership the effect goes a long way. Your choice on what to build ---- bridges or walls affects your culture, your people, and ultimately your result. Relationships are a key factor in successful leadership. Leaders don't lead behind a wall. They are accessible, transparent, and open. Only a bridge gives you room to display these qualities as a leader.?
So next time you are considering building a wall and hiding behind it, think about what you will be missing out outside those walls. What lies outside the walls can change the course of your leadership.?
Click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more practical tips on Leadership.?
Thank you for reading,?
With love,?
Victoria Ajayi!?
Contributing Writer at Tekedia
1 个月Interesting, thought-provoking and actionable. Nice topic. I believe a high level of self-consciousness and the believe that the world revolves around you is responsible for the erection of walls. As it is in reality with the building of bridges so it is in relationships: it's more difficult to build compared to walls. Since our success in life, career and ministry depends more on connectedness, we must be deliberate in dismantling walls and build bridges. You have enriched me.????
Executive Assistant to the CEO | Business Development | Conversationalist | Communicator | Founder, Wisdom Connect | Corporate Host | Public Speaker
1 个月Thank you for your consistency ??