Building A Brand : Your People and Your Practice (those all important P's!)
Becky Hamilton
Recruiting across all Product areas, Next Sourcing, Product Admin & Lab roles. #Buying #AssistantBuyers #Sales #Sourcing #ProductAdmin
Think Recruitment relies heavily on its brand as a way to distinguish a relaxed and non-corporate approach into an industry with a vastly corporate reputation.
We have built a solid business which continues to strive, and now we are beginning to solidify a very strong brand - which can be identified in many important ways. Our logo (a great example of Physical Evidence) its People and its Positioning within the current market (how we differentiate ourselves from our competitors). However, most importantly our brand is highlighted via our Practice and approach when interacting with both clients and candidates. All of those combined help to build the brand of Think and carry the same message; that we are a fresh and forward-thinking organisation that relies on building solid relationships with our customers through an honest and straight-talking approach – we keep recruitment simple.
Our logo in itself is very simplistic: a black square with yellow and white font. The colours are considered to be contemporary which is mirrored in our practice. Think Recruitment is not stuck in a stereotypical style of recruitment, where staff dress typically commercially and sit in lots of awkward meetings. Instead we concentrate on creating a friendly and welcoming working environment, where our staff feel comfortable and work more effectively. Our dress code is far more casual than most, and when clients and candidates come into our office to meet members of the team (including Directors) they too feel at-ease. Again, our offices promote a stress-free vibe where we actually allow music (shock horror!) and we have a kitchen with TV and pool table to encourage our staff to take a break.
We believe it is crucial to encourage this innovative way of working through all areas of our business because all of these small factors are what makes our brand strong and even more importantly – our people are part of it and help to build it.