Building boundaries in borderless world. Adapting the international regulations to local laws.
In cybersecurity, if You look for a benchmark, you look either at a local and international regulation (in that order) or a framework. Both consists of practices which will help you achieve resilience. In previous article, I discussed regulations as guardian of trust. To summarize - major foreign players will be more interested to invest in a country which entities obey laws and regulations. So… if international rules and regulations are the widely considered good standard... why translate them into local ones??
For example in Poland governing Data Protection Law is GDPR but there's also a local one - Act of May 10, 2018, on the Protection of Personal Data.
I find 5 reasons for this “local alignment” of international security standards in IT:
Knowing the above the national governments introduce a layer of regulation adjusted to local law - to assure that while international standards are complied with, no local one is left out or tampered with in a wrong way.?
The differences usually cover either the entities you need to report the incidents to, scope and form of what you need to report or consequences of harmful actions. Every country, even in Schengen zone, cares about its borders.
And it is the local regulation - based off international one - where You should start building Your cybersecurity from.
In borderless world of digital - governments draw the lines with thicker pen.