The building blocks of memorable managers
Paul Farina
Performance Expert - Professional Speaker on Leadership and Motivation | Strategic Facilitator | Author
Figuring out what separates a good boss from a bad boss is simple. Think of the best boss you ever had and think about the worst. Picture their faces, their voices, and actions. By looking at a few underlying traits it is clear what the good do, and what the bad don't.
Art Markam writes in his Harvard Business Review article (Can you be a great leader without technical expertise, 2017), team members respond well to bosses that understand the technical elements of the work being done. This is being Task Proficient.
It is one of the reasons I never opened my own Hair Salon. I consulted salon owners for years and knew the business like the back of my hand, but never opened my own salon. Day-to-day, the staff could take liberties with my lack of knowledge (not a good basis to harness respect). Also, I did not have a passion to learn the technical side of the trade. This lack of Task Proficiency would have been a poor business move.
Good business leaders need to be data literate. They will understand the metrics in a business and industry that they can effectively measure, track, and respond to. A manager that cannot do this will usually struggle or fail. Factual data and the analysis of the trends and patterns assists decision making, will form an internal language amongst the team, and is the basis for understanding if we are succeeding or not (our scoreboard). This is being Analysis Proficient.
In the real world there are limits to this analysis. Data can be incomplete, people don’t tell the truth on surveys, and quality of data can vary from different areas of the business (The limitations of data in predictive analytics).
Data is a reflection of what is happening. It is not ‘what is happening’. To get to the bottom of things, managers need to see, hear, and feel things for themselves. They also need to do something with all of this info!
During my Emotional and Social Competencies Inventory Accreditation, the definition of a manager was presented to me that stuck ever since:
‘A Manager gets results through others’
This is the true limitation of Task Proficiency and Analysis Proficiency. The ‘doing’ of a manager is more than just knowing how to do tasks and analysing the numbers.
Being able to Role Model behaviours. Being able to connect and manage the Self and Others through a range of crazy challenges. Being able to coach, confront, and manage conflict. Being able to build a unique culture of performance with momentum. This is being Performance Proficient.
Imagine your team are the crew of a yacht. The manager is the captain. The captain needs to know every rope, knot, and crank (Task Proficient). They need to know the wind direction, wind speed, ocean currents, and resources (Analysis Proficient). But the running of the yacht comes down to…
· how the Captain carries them self,
· how keenly the Captain observes every detail,
· how the Captain gains and gives constant feedback, and
· how well they promote an environment where everyone feels safe, energised, and focused no matter what storm they are faced with.
(Performance Proficient)
Performance Proficiency requires 13 distinct skill sets. They are learnable, practical, and immediately applicable in the workplace. A leader will maximise these learnings by first being Task and Analysis Proficient. Put it all together with Performance Proficiency and there is every chance of being reflected upon as a ‘good’ manager by the crew!
If you or your managers are Task and Analytically Proficient and ready to learn these 13 skill sets in detail, they are covered in the Play Beyond Targets Masterclasses. More info here.
Kicking off on 13 March 2019.