Building Blocks of Frontend Excellence: 5 Vanilla JS Projects to Elevate Your Development Skills
Front End Vanilla JS Pojects

Building Blocks of Frontend Excellence: 5 Vanilla JS Projects to Elevate Your Development Skills

  1. An API Project : If you have learnt enough javascript then it should be your first project .No need to be very complicated. it can be as simple as a weather API project or food recepies project. you can practice your different JS skills here.First one is how to fetch data from an API. you will use fetch API method and also learnt about .then() and .catch() and even async await as well.
  2. Another API Project : Wait ! it is not same as the above one. in this API project you can try to make it a little bit complex. such as you can add search functionality. and even different end points for your project. The most popular one can be a Movie can build a website where you fetch data from a movie API such as . On the home page you can show popular shows/ movies and then go for categories as well and rest is based on your creativity.
  3. A JavaScript Game : It is good to have a little bit knowledge about games. But we are not going deep into the game development. it is as simple as a tic tac toe or a snake game. you can build a two players tic tac toe or if you are not satisfied enough with it . you can even add an "Play with AI" mode in your game. don't be scared. It is not the real AI ,it is just a simple theorem that you can applied on your game.
  4. Projects using Local storage : local storage is another important tool that we use a developer and not just local storage as a good web developers we should have a good knowledge about devtools. A simple ToDo or Note taking app is good to get familraize with local storage and if you go one step further you can even try to build a fake auth system using json file as a fake database. now it up to you that how you implement it.
  5. Build a chrome Extension : One can try to build a Chrome extension. it can be as simple as when you click on it shows random dev meme. obviously you can take it to next level but try to make it as easy / simple as it can in the beginning.

Hey guys. if you are reading it , I want to thank you to give your time. i love experimenting and this web dev weekly newspaper is my another experiment. hope you love it as get most from it.

By: RahulB


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