Building The Air Film Festival
I have been working on The King Film Series, a web tv series that I have placed on my Google site, for many years. I began submitting it to festivals around the world through social media, especially through FilmFreeway and Withoutabox. I had some luck, and most recently my film was selected to be screened at the upcoming AFC Global Fest'2017 on 10th to 12th November 2017 . Also this year some of my films were selected for Finalist, Miami Epic, 2017 and Finalist, Industry Boost Competition, Last year some of my films were selected for Finalist 2016 Industry Boost Competition, New York; Official Selection 2016, Chhatrapati Shivaji International Film Festival and Official Selection 2016, Bucharest ShortCuts CineFest. I really enjoyed going through the process of looking up information about film festivals and submitting films to them as a film maker myself, therefore I wanted very much to try to host a festival online that I could handle myself. Some online platforms like FilmFreeway and withotabox have made this quite easy and fun to do.
I had quite a lot of experience in the film industry in the past, especially doing stunt work for martial arts films of the good guy wins kind of film. I love films, I think that movies are a way of bringing peace and pleasue and experience. If you acquire a copy of a film or a ticket to see a movie, you are purchasing a real experience that is yours that legitimately belongs to you. It is a way of sharing imagination without losing.
Some people like to push particular themes. I chose Faith and Music to begin with, so far only online and only up to three minutes in length as a call for sumbissions. Posisbly I can add more categories later if I can build interest in this festival, and also possily add a venue as well as an online showing. Categories I am thinking of adding may posisbly be in human rights or environmental documentaries, and I am very open to suggestions and ideas for what I should do with this Festival. Also the entry fee for the Earlybird time is only $1, and the platform has given me options to be able to hand out discount coupons and fee waivers. Laurels will be given to the winners in each cateogory in November 2018, if I can gnerate sufficient interest to make this festival happen. I am truly hoping to make this festival's laurel really mean a lot. I plan to do a lot of marketing and promoting if I can attract interest from film makers of short films. I am also hoping to give an added reason for film makers to create films in these categories.