Building a 4 Day Week Company
David-John Wayne Bailey
SPNV Big Beard Web Solutions | Vice-Chairperson Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry Helderberg Chapter | Founder Level 5 Academy | 4-Day Week Advocate
With my entrepreneurial spark ignited once more, I am on a mission to build companies that will stand the test of time. The nonprofit I am currently involved with is especially intriguing, since it seeks to address the problem South African business owners and SMMEs have been dealing with for decades. I am finally surrounded by a gifted group of individuals and have high hopes for the future of this venture. The 4 Day Week will of course play an integral part and this also means that this nonprofit will be a reduced workweek entity.
While implementing a 4 Day Week strategy in an existing company can be challenging, I’d argue that it’s easier to set it up in a new entity. Existing companies have a set of rules they have to follow, whereas newly established companies practically make up the rules as they go along. While it’s not impossible to successfully implement a reduced workweek strategy at an existing company, sometimes the red tape involved makes it an uphill battle.
New companies on the other hand have the benefit of taking a strong stance on employee wellbeing and rolling out something like a 4 Day Week much easier.
The pros of having a 4 Day Week strategy far outweigh the cons. People on a reduced workweek have reported better work/life balance, a more positive outlook on work and even increased time for leisurely activities. We were not born to work ourselves to death. Even if you are the most passionate person at work, homo sapiens require rest to be the ultimate versions of themselves and it has been proven that a five-day week makes it impossible to achieve that ideal.
Building a 4 Day Week company should be an ideal to aspire to. In 2025 I will have the privilege of supporting many startups and I will be repeating myself with regards to the benefits of a reduced workweek. When we are well rested, we tend to do our best work. Are you considering building a 4 Day Week company?
4 Day Week SA, INFJ, 4 Day Week, Future of Work, Work Time Reduction, Reduced Workweek Revolution, Wellbeing in the Workplace
David-John Wayne Bailey is an INFJ from Cape Town, a proud pioneer pilot participant of 4 Day Week SA and an advocate of a four-day week for everyone working in South Africa.