Builder – How To Use “No” to Your Advantage #4
Graeme Owen
Builders Business Coach | Helping You Get Off the Tools, Make More Money, and Scale Your Business
So you have done heaps of work putting together and presenting your best estimate for a building renovation. You have followed the recommendations and made sure your construction quote indicates the full works being done and is well set out. It clearly puts your building plan way out in front. And when they raise objections you give them time to state the objection fully. You reflect what they have said back to them so you are crystal clear about what is concerning them.
But where to from here? How do you go about providing an answer that will settle their fears?
In this article I outline three keys to helping your clients find the answers to their objections.
1. Answer The Real Question
There is no doubt that every company has areas of strength and areas of weakness. So it may be that their question really does point out an area where your company may be, or may appear to be weak. If that is the case then the best option is to acknowledge their view and show you are aware of it. Then move on to tell them how your company addresses that situation. The purpose here is to show how you prevent that possible weakness becoming a problem on their job.
For example a client considering a company made up of mainly young builders could be forgiven for thinking they might lack experience. So the building company representative acknowledges this possibility then outlines how the company goes about planning and supervising each part of the job.
A successful salesperson will then add a positive to compensate. For example, “Yes our team is young, but they are enthusiastic, flexible and can work long hours if necessary to complete a build without running out of energy.”
2. Double Check
It is really important that you ensure your customer has not only heard your answer but feels comfortable with it. So ask them a simple question that lets you check if it is still an objection. For example, “Are there further concerns you have about our team?”
You see if you don’t ensure that their question has been fully answered before moving on then it will come back again later and get in the way of their being able to make a decision. If it transpires that your customer is not happy with your first answer, then go back through the questioning process until they are satisfied.
3. Move On
Once you have checked that you have fully answered their objection then move on to the next part of your process. If you continue to hang around the objection longer than necessary, you are giving the impression that you too are concerned about it, and have been thrown off course by it – as though you have never come across such a question before!
But, if you handle it fully and professionally, and then move on, you are indicating that you have handled similar objections before, but they have not stopped previous sales progressing, so you don not expect it to stop this process. So, deal with the objection then move right on to the next stage of your process.
The bottom line is that there will only be two or three common objections that you will meet in your sales processes. So thinking about how you will answer them and being prepared will ensure you have more chance of being with your client when the final decision is made.
Your Takeaway
So, how about identifying the two or three common objections you face and scripting questions you can use that tell you their question has be fully answered.
Talk Back
I would love to hear your comments or stories. What do you think are the most common objections? How have you handled them?
I’d love to hear of your experiences.
Post your comments below.
Read More in the “How To Use No To Your Advantage” series:
- How To Use No To Your Advantage #1
- How To Use No To Your Advantage #2
- How To Use No To Your Advantage #3