Builder – How To Use “No” to Your Advantage #3

Builder – How To Use “No” to Your Advantage #3

So you have done heaps of work in your home building business putting together your best estimate for a building renovation. You have followed the recommendations and made sure your construction quote puts you way out in front. And you have mastered the art of negotiating to be “the advisor” and sit with them when they are evaluating the other building quotes and estimates against yours. You do your best to explain the gaps in the others, but almost on cue they raise the objection – “Yes, but I’m not sure your building company can handle such a large project.”

An objection can be a tremendous opportunity

Your worst fear has been realised again! They have raised another objection! To an inexperienced builder this can be scary, but to an experienced building salesperson an objection can be a tremendous opportunity to help. So what do you do when they raise an objection?

In this article I outline three keys to helping your clients through objections.

1. Allow Your Client to Voice Fully

There is nothing more annoying that someone jumping in to answer your question before you have finished asking it. Tells you they are not interested in you – just in hearing their own voice. It is remarkably similar when you jump in to defend yourself in the face of a client’s objection. Your customer may be about to spend a huge amount of money with you, so you owe them the opportunity to speak about the hesitations they may have. The truth is that if this is a genuine objection (and not just a way of getting rid of you) and they really do like what they see, then their rational mind will be searching for answers to their objections as they speak. They may even answer their objection themselves without you!

2. Reflect Back

Most people expect a salesperson to spring to the defense of their product or service. But if you reflect their objection back to them, you are demonstrating that you are not the typical salesperson, and that you are genuinely interested in checking that you have heard correctly. Just repeat the objection back (using similar words) prefaced with the words, “Are you saying that …” For example, “Are you saying that you think our company might not be able to handle your project?”

3. Request Further Detail

Rather than simply providing an immediate answer to their objection, ask a qualifying question back. One of the best is, “Why do you say (think/feel) that?” The power in this question is that is gives opportunity for your client to tell you the real concerns behind their question. And it is these you really need to address. For example, your client’s fears about your company’s ability may be founded on what they heard from someone else, rather than on any factual evidence. Or it may be that they think that a large company will do the job better. They may not know that most larger housing company use contract labour (builders just like you) to do the construction.

The thing is, the more that you can listen to your client’s objections and find the real reason behind their objection the better equipped you will be to provide a meaningful answer.

Your Takeaway

So, how about trying the two way questioning process next time you are facing an objection. I guarantee that if you utilise the skill properly you will be less threatened by your client’s objections – you may even come to enjoy the process!

Talk Back

I would love to hear your comments or stories. What do you think are the most common objections? How have you handled them?

I’d love to hear of your experiences.

Post your comments below.

Read More in the “How To Use No To Your Advantage” series:


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