Build your life on the right foundation
Proverbs 10:2 Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value, but righteousness delivers from death.
If you have to cheat to win, did you really win? If you steal or lie to gain, what have you really gained? In any of these examples, we trade in long term peace and integrity for short term satisfaction. Unfortunately, we are pitched constantly in today's society that we 'deserve happiness now, fast, and with no effort'. If you are overweight, take a pill. If you are unhappy, buy a product. If you are not ready for retirement, get in an accident and sue! Forget about going to the gym, seeking friendship, or actually working. We seek God through a prosperity message and when the 'God vending machine' doesn't spit out our toy, we take the easy solutions offered by the world. Unfortunately, easy now leads to harder later. Avoid the temptation of taking the shortcut that leads to a long painful road. Put in the effort now, build your life on the right foundation of Jesus, and have a blessed day.
#effort #shortcut #faith #Jesus