Build Your First RESTful Web Application
Dhamith Kumara
Developer ???? | NextJS ?? | TailWindCSS ? | OSS Contributor ?? | Associated Full Stack Developer ??
For this tutorial you need to install?
First open the spring tool software now you need to select a directory as workplace. You need to click the Browse and select your any directory and click select folder and click lunch button (in here I’m going to use desktop folder name as pr)?
Now we need to create new spring starter project with some dependencies. For that go to file and click new and select Spring Stater project
Now need to give the project name for that you can use any name. In this time I’m going to set the project name as myproject and Type as Maven and Java Version as 17 and Packaging as Jar and language is Java. No need to change any other things and now click the next button
Summary of that
After that need to add the dependencies for our project. You can simply type that dependency name in search bar and can added to that in to our project.
Here is the dependency list you need to added to the project
After adding that all dependencies to project you need to click finish.
After clicking finish button you need to wait few minutes to complete the configuration of your project.
You can see your all folder structure and all files in the Package Explorer window?
Before the going forward we need to know our project is successfully configurated or not. Fist go to inside of your project file. In this my project name is myproject . inside of that you can see too many folders. Now select the src/main/java folder and click the down side arrow mark. Default that is available in top of the folder structure. Now go to?the inside of that and select the com.example.demo folder and click the down side arrow mark. Now you can see the java file name as
Now double click on that file. after clicking that file you can able to see some default snapped code of that file. We need to add some new code snapped to inside of main method.?
Now insert the below code snapped to that.
???????System.out.println("test my project!");
After change the code you can see that like below?
Press the ctrl + s to save the changes.?
Now open your XAMMP for create the Database. Set Apache action as Start and MySQL action as?Start. You need to keep remember the port number of MySQL.?In my case Port number is 3307?
Click on the Admin button to open phpMyAdmin. After that we need to create Database for our project.
Click on new button available on top left corner in phpMyAdmin. After that enter any name for your database without white space. In this time I’m going to use name as MyProjectDB. Now click on create button. After click on that button you can see the your database name in left hand side window of phpMyAdmin.
After this we need do some configuration in file. For that insert below code snapped to file.
In this code snapped you need to set your port number and database name. after changing that press ctrl + s to save the changes. In my case my port number is 3307 and my database name is myprojectdb.
You can see that all changes in below picture?
Now time to run our project for that again go to the file and right click on that file and select the Run As Spring Boot App.?
If your project successfully configured you can see the output inside of the console.
Now we are going to create new class for our project for that go to the com.exmple.demo folder and right click on that and select new and class
Type the name as User and click on finished.
Now create the four private variable inside of user class?
Now need to Generate Getter and Setter Methods for the Type’s Fields and Generate Constructor Using Fields and?Generate Constructor from Superclass. For that right click on the file?file and select source?
Now select?
And click on select all and click on generate?
Now select?
And click on select all and click on generate?
Now select?
And click on select all and click on generate?
After complete that you can see the some changes on file like below?
Now need to specifies the class is an entity for that we can import the @Entity to before the class. For the import you can use short cut keys(press ctrl + shift + m) or otherwise you can go to the Bulb icon and click to import
Now need to specifies the primary key of an entity for that we can import @Id to before the our primary key. In this case we are going to use id as the primary key then we need do import @Id before the that line. Now type @Id to before the private int id and import that. You can see the some changes like below?
Now need provide the specification of generation strategies for the values of primary keys. For that insert @GeneratedValue keyword below the @Id.
The @GeneratedValue annotation is to configure the way of increment of the specified column(field). For example when using Mysql, you may specify auto_increment in the definition of table to make it self-incremental, and then use
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
in the Java code to denote that you also acknowledged to use this database server side?strategy. Also, you may change the value in this annotation to fit different requirements.
Now you can see the file like below?
Now we need to add the new Java Interface for our project. Go to the com.example.demo folder and right click on the folder and go to new and select interface.
Give the name as UserRepository and click finish
Now we need to do the JPA repository implementation inside of our file. For that insert below code snapped to that?
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<class_name,dat_type_of_primary_key>{
After insert this we need to import JpaRepository.
In this code snapped class name is your already created class, in this case that is User. And data type of primary key mean data type of your primary key of the class. In this case we already created the id variable that is the our primary key and that data type is integer then in here we are going to use ??Integer for that.
Press ctrl + s to save the changes and now need to run our project. To run project go to your project folder and right click on that and select Run As Spring boot App.
Now you can see the below highlighted text in your console?
Now go to your phpMyAdmin and go to the your database and you can see the new table as user and inside of that with four columns name as id,age,city,name?.
Now we need to create new two java class as UserController and UserService to create that class , go to com.example.demo folder and right click on that folder and select new and class set the name as UserController and UserService.?
First need to change some modification in file.?
Now need to import @Service annotate. Indicates that an annotated class is a "Service", originally defined by Domain-Driven Design as "an operation offered as an interface that stands alone in the model, with no encapsulated state."
Need to create the connection between UserRepository and UserService. For that use the below code snapped?
private UserRepository repo;
in that code data type is private and data type is UserRepository and variable name is repo. We need to use the @Autowired annotation for that. Marks a constructor, field, setter method, or config method as to be autowired by Spring's dependency injection facilities.
Put that annotation before the code snapped like below.
Now we need to return the List. For that we can use below code snapped.
?Now need to do some modification of file. We can use @RestController annotation for this. This annotation is used to define RESTful web services. Insert this ?@RestController annotation before the main class.
Need to create the connection between UserController and UserService. For that use the below code snapped?
private UserService se;
in that code data type is private and data type is UserService and variable name is repo. We need to use the @Autowired annotation for that. Marks a constructor, field, setter method, or config method as to be autowired by Spring's dependency injection facilities.
Put that annotation before the code snapped like below.
Now we need to return the List. For that we can use below code snapped.
Now going to use the @GetMapping annotation. @GetMapping Annotation for mapping HTTP GET requests onto specific handler methods.
In that we need to give the path inside of brackets.
Now run your project by right click on the your project file. In this time you need go with localhost to see the output. Default port is 8080. To see the output type https://localhost:8080/findall on your Web browser
In that output you can see empty array. Now we need to insert the data to database. In that case we can use new method to insert the data. For that I’m going to use below code snapped?
@PostMapping Annotation for mapping HTTP POST requests onto specific handler methods.
@RequestBody Annotation that indicates a method return value should be bound to the web response body. Supported for annotated handler methods.
In that code you can see error in AddUser. That mean we need to define that method inside of UserService class.
Now we are going to use postman to insert the data. For that open your postman.
In postman change method to POST and type the address of add user , select the body and select raw and JSON?
In this we are going to insert data by typing manually. To insert data use below code snapped for that.
Now click the send button of postman. You can see the postman output like below
Go to your phpMyAdmin and select your database you can see the new data inside of your table
Congratulations!!! You have successfully completed this tutorial.
System Support Engineer ?? | University of Vavuniya ?? |
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