Build your castles first, then they will come. (For entrepreneurs eyes only!)
Garibaldi Castle - Khryashchevka, Russia named by it's owner after his father.

Build your castles first, then they will come. (For entrepreneurs eyes only!)

In the late 1980's, a movie called "Field of Dreams" staring Kevin Costner was released. I'll never forget the look of those glistening stalks of corn being cut down. Watching Kevin Costner, despite the speculation of the family, the community, cutting a large swath of his profitable farm land, down.

But there was a reason. He had a vision, a voice, an inner calling (of course in the movie it was a ghost, or a large number of ghosts of former baseball players that were haunting the field, beckoning for someone to build them their baseball field.) The parallel here, rings true for us, for this generation and the next, to build your castles, preferrably before having kids, so your wife and kids can safely live within the walls of an already built castle. Conquer the lands, subdue it. All in the name of visions, of dreams.

In Entrepreneurship, the only guarantee is that you will fail more than you succeed, until you make it.

5 years ago, I had a vision. I saw that my life had so much potential that I was missing out on. But God told me that if I wanted a better life, it would cost me everything I once knew. Everything I thought I was. But was I willing to endure the hardship to get to the other side?

He told me I would have to go through a Job experience in order for me to start over. Because my prior way of life, my "career" of chasing the hamster wheel begging for promotion and a guarantee of salary to feel safe and comfortable. He showed me a vision of what my life could be like if I would scrap the limiting self beliefs. Ultimately, it would cost me my former family, my friends (or lack thereof). A bitter divorce, lost custody of my kids, lost my job, lost my sanity, lost former friends, and most of my family. But yet, the vision remained, dormant. Until a program called Warrior Rising and Benjamin Bunn and Jason Van Camp who collectively re-kindled the vision that once was.

Tired of being at someone else's mercy or whim? Tired of the corporate rat race?

Entrepreneurship, has cost me everything I was. But also, being reinvented has allowed me to become all I ever wanted to be. The only two guarantees in this life are death and taxes. Everything else is a gamble. You decide whether to go all in, or try to take the "safe" way out and get a 9-5.

Kevin Costner, had to endure a period of isolation. He had to experience being mocked or scorned for having a vision that seemed delusional to everyone else at the time, until it wasn't. Don't let your own limiting self-beliefs, fool you. Don't let the little failures discourage you. Don't let family, friends, or near sighted opportunists, keep you from the vision in your hearts.

Go out there, conquer some lands, put up a flag (business logo). Take that leap of faith on a vision, a dream. Pray to God he blesses it. Because if you build it, the rest will come.


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