build your business
To be honest, I didn't originally set out to build a online business that has the potential to fully replace my 9-to-5 income.
In the beginning, I was just searching for ways to supplement my income.
I didn't want to quit my job altogether. I just wanted to make a small side income (maybe a few extra hundred a month) to help pay the bills.
Maybe you can relate?
But as I started to research online business more, I started to change my mind. It started to make more and more sense to plan to fully replace my 9-to-5 income, go full-time with online business and leave behind my "old life" for good.
And here are the 4 reasons I made that choice:
1) I have more time to myself
I realized that if I stayed committed to my 9-to-5 lifestyle and found some way to supplement that income, I would have very little time to myself.
I'd be working nights and weekends – close to 70 hours a week.
With my online business, I have the potential to match (or even exceed) my 9-to-5 income while working FEWER hours. That means more time to myself.
2) I set my own hours
As an online business owner, my life is very different to a corporate employee.
I make my own schedule and set my own hours. I don't need permission from anyone if I want to take a day off.
I can even work remotely. Nothing and no one stops me from taking a vacation with my family, bringing my laptop along and running my business while I'm away.
3) I save money
You might not have thought of this, but there are a lot of expenses that corporate employees need to pay that online business owners DON'T need to pay.
For example, paying $200 a week for gas to commute to and from work. Paying for a babysitter (or pet sitter) while you're at work. And so on.
4) I make money FASTER
Before I researched the different online business systems out there, I always thought that starting a business and making it profitable would be a SLOW undertaking. I thought it would take years to actually break even.
After doing my research, I was pleasantly surprised.
There are systems out there such as the Laptop Lifestyle System [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK] that cost far less than your average business, which means it's very possible to be profitable in months – not years.
This is the system I use in my own online business, and since I've started, it's turned out to be EASIER than I originally anticipated.
The Laptop Lifestyle System [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK] simplifies and speeds up your work as a business owner, because it handles many of the functions for you (such as payment processing, customer service and fulfillment.)
I could go on, but that's enough info for today. Meanwhile, if you want to know more about the Laptop Lifestyle System, watch this video. [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK]
Talk to you soon
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Matt Lloyd