Build Your Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Build Your Bridge Over Troubled Waters

In today's tumultuous times of Covid-19, massive layoffs and unemployment it seems as if things are getting worse before they will ever get better. What do you do when the proverbial bottom has been snatched from underneath you? You can whine, lament or do nothing but the reality is you have monthly responsibilities that will not be resolved by doing any of those actions. After you have indulged in your self-inflicted pity party let's get practical.

Have you heard of a bridge job? If you have not you are most likely in the majority. I was unfamiliar with the term until I began to research more about the unemployment epidemic facing most of the world today.

A bridge job may be the perfect solution for you. It is a role that is outside of your career path. It allows you to transition from one industry to another. You have the opportunity to build new skill sets that will give you options for your next foray into the world of work. Typically it is less strenuous and allows you more freedom to strategically plan for your next career. Ultimately, it exposes you to a new group of people who can help you develop your talent and network with others.

Take a leap of faith and experience the benefits of a bridge job. Today's economic environment is creating a perfect opportunity to try something new. I am grateful that I decided to build a bridge over troubled waters in my career. Excellent examples of bridge jobs are as follows: financial services, education, social services and administrative positions. I have discovered work that provides financial, spiritual and community benefits. I challenge you to do the same!


