Build your brand for 2025 and beyond...
With 2025 almost here, I have a question to ask. Several actually...
Brand matters. Have people heard of you? What do they think of you? What is your reputation? What do they know about you? All of this factors into clients decisions on who to hire.
Building your brand and marketing is not always easy for salespeople to do. But here are 10 questions, the answers to which can easily become the core of your marketing and brand.
These 10 questions tell your story. They can be used in marketing, sales presentations, on social media and everywhere else. But if you don't tell your story you will never build your brand.
Clients and prospects want to know about you. They want to understand who they are doing business with. It is up to you to tell and control the story. Make sure to..
Lets add a key part to your brand. What testimonials do you have, and can people find them? Nothing impacts your brand like past client testimonials, testimonials that tell others who you are and what you do. Reviews online matter, recommendation posts on Facebook, what people tell their SOI about you... this is all a major part of your brand.
These questions will help.. hope they give you some great ideas for your brand and marketing. But you need to have a goal for your brand, just like you do for sales and income. What are you doing everyday, week, and month to build your brand? If you have the goals, then get it done. If not, put the pen to paper and create goals for your brand and a plan to get there. 2025 awaits.