Build YOUR Board of Directors

Build YOUR Board of Directors

     Some of the best advice I ever received was to build your network and find a "Board." At first,  it sounds ridiculous as boards exist for corporations, associations, colleges/universities, and other entities larger than an individual. Let's break down the functions of a board and  it becomes easier to see the value of building a board for your life.

Governance: A board provides broad leadership to guide the organization. Your board supports and provides insight into you "governing" your life. The individuals I call when struggling with major decisions, when I was job searching, and when I am just at a loss are those who guide me, but the decision is ultimately mine to make. They provide multiple perspectives, suggestions, and in the end support the decisions I make. A Board of Directors makes the final decision, which isn't the goal for you as a person. The goal is to have guidance from those with various levels of experience so you can make the most informed decision possible.

 Finance: Lessons learned as a young professional...turn to the experts for making decisions about money, life, etc. When I was comparing offers, looking at retirement contributions, etc. having individual you can rely on to provide sound advice and guidance. I picked an insurance plan that saved me money in the short term, but cost me more as it was a high deductible plan. When I "consulted" a member of my board they shared the advice that would have saved me $180. For some this might be a parent and for others it's colleagues/mentors. The important part is having someone on board who you can turn to.  

Performance Review:  A Board selects, appoints, and reviews the performance of the CEO. In your life you are the CEO and the board you select matters most in this area. You need people to be honest, you need people who will provide you feedback the way that makes you comfortable, and you need the people who will tell you how it is. I don't like everything I am told by this trusted circle, but I listen because I know they care and their advice is an investment in me. I have the colleague who I call to talk about volunteer experiences, I have someone to talk about fitness, and I have someone to call when I am just not having a good day. Your board helps you perform better and grow to the leader you need to be.

      I am not a large corporation, I don't have a lot of assets, and I am a new professional. However, the people in my corner matter more with each passing day. This is true for anyone living as part of our world.  These are previous bosses, colleagues from associations, and people I currently work with. It's also the person who is an expert in my field and the person who doesn't care about student development theory or program assessment.  The people I drink a glass (or three) of wine with after a long day, the people I call when trying to figure out life, and those who will tell me the truth, regardless of what I want to here. Find your people, find your network, and find those who will help you grow everyday. Those are the people you want on your board and will help you get to whatever type of board room you want to end up in.

Benjamin M. Williams is currently the Coordinator for Student Involvement at the University of Colorado, Boulder.  He is originally from Atlanta, GA where he graduated from Georgia State University with a B.A. in Sociology and completed a graduate degree in Student Affairs in Higher Education from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Outside of his position he enjoys volunteering for professional associations, fundraising for higher education causes, and spending time exploring concepts related to social justice, student development, and organizational structures. Personally he spends time working on personal health, work life integration, and exploring this wonderful world of ours


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