Build your App online with our Next Gen App
Sihem Neggaz, M. Sc.A
Directrice générale │ Transformation numérique │ Planification stratégique │ Gestion et développement d’équipe │ Gestion de marque │ Expérience clients │ Expérience employés
Build Your App. Component by Component.
Imagine being able to customize your entire app piece by piece.
Make special offers, feature your latest documents
or highlight relevant calls-to-action thanks to a complete
modular experience you can edit in real-time.
Multiple Pages - Multiple Banners - Multiple Categories - Multiple Titles
Create an unlimited number of pages for your app directly online. Feature your videos on the front page or an RSS flux for stocks. Create categories that you can automatically update, as and when you want.
It's all about Drag & Drop.
With our brand new online user interface in Cloud Connect, you can design your app by simply dragging & dropping components. The new UI allows you to easily test your app before global deployment.
Build It beautiful. Everywhere.
Whatever your reader's screen size, our Next Gen App is ready for smartphones and tablets on Android and iOS. And the best thing... you only have to design your App once!
Ready to go digital?
contact us for more details: [email protected]