Build Vs Buy: The Customer Data Platform Conundrum
Rajiv Dingra
Martech + Adtech + Deeptech (AI) Entrepreneur building the platform driven future of marketing and advertising
In today's digital business landscape, having a Customer Data Platform (CDP) isn't just a competitive advantage; it's practically a prerequisite. The confusion most organizations grapple with is whether to build a CDP in-house or to buy a ready-made solution. Let's dive deep into this critical debate and evaluate the considerations.
1. Current Features: The Present Landscape
Build: Building in-house often emerges from a desire to gain a competitive advantage. By tailoring features to specific needs, businesses aim to offer a unique value proposition to their audience.
Buy: Off-the-shelf CDPs typically provide a plethora of features that cater to the current industry requirements. These platforms ensure that businesses aren't left wanting for essential functionalities.
2. Future Features: The Evolution
Build: Organizations need to question whether they possess the necessary resources for continuous updates and improvisations.
Buy: When you buy a CDP, the onus of innovation rests on the vendor. Can the vendor stay attuned to emerging trends and provide timely enhancements?
3. Financial Implications
Build: An in-house CDP isn't just about initial development costs. Think about maintenance, updates, and the inevitable debugging. It’s a continuous investment. Buy: While there's an upfront license or subscription fee, businesses need to factor in integration costs, potential staff training, and other unforeseen expenses.
4. Opportunity Costs: What's at Stake?
Build: Every hour spent on building a CDP is an hour taken away from another potentially lucrative project.
Buy: By opting for a ready solution, businesses can redirect their developmental focus elsewhere, maximizing their output.
5. Risk and Time to Value
Build: In-house projects are notorious for time and cost overruns. Can the business afford these unpredictable risks?
Buy: Ready-made solutions offer predictability. They come with performance assurances, scalability options, and a definitive roadmap.
6. Solution Mix: The Hybrid Approach
Build vs. Buy isn’t necessarily a binary choice. Organizations can consider a hybrid approach. For instance, buy a base solution and then build additional customisation's atop it as your businesses needs increase. Work with a vendor that bundles these customisation's at the start of your engagment so you dont go overboard on costs later.
Why Buying is the Wise Choice when you realize that building, maintaining and scaling a CDP isn't your core competence!
So, you've considered all the factors. While both paths have merits, for many, the scale tips in favor of buying. We at ReBid believe that marketers are best focused on building experiences rather than building platforms for those experiences.
ReBid's Capabilities helps address all the concerns of a Build vs Buy Debate:
In essence, ReBid merges the best of both worlds as customization is bundled with out of the box features with rapid deployment, proven efficacy, and the assurance of quality. And when the buying option is ReBid's Advertisers CDP, the choice becomes lucid.
In Conclusion
The build vs. buy debate isn't about right or wrong. It's about what's right for you. However, in the fast-paced digital era, where agility, efficiency, and timely decision-making are paramount, buying often emerges as the strategic choice. With platforms like ReBid's Advertisers CDP on the table, it’s not just about meeting current needs, but also about being prepared for the future.
#ChooseWisely #ReBidAdvantage #CDPDecisions