Build a Team or Chase your Dreams?

Build a Team or Chase your Dreams?

“What do you want to do?”

We wish to change the way the world ———— (fill in the blanks)

?“What do you actually do?”

?Well, It’s just been few years since we started or got funded, we are building a team and process. It has been challenging due to Covid outbreak, Work from Home, Russia Ukraine War, Reluctance to return to work from office, Global warming, Inflation and India’s disappointing loss in the World Cup Semis.

?Most Entrepreneurs who are driven by game changing ideas and vision for the greater good end up just being ghosted by applicants who after a rather brutal negotiation, find a “more suitable opportunity”.?

Employees who work (or don’t work) multiple jobs pass it on the “low pay”

Employees who abscond pass the blame on the “culture of the organization”

Employees who stay “extort” you to revise their salary every quarter.

And this is how and why, Building the team is a task for eternity.

?And now that we have ranted out on your behalf.

Here is the Good News!

?You can leave all your recruitment efforts to Rekrutbot and rather Chase your dreams!

?Outdating and outdoing the traditional approach to recruitment, Rekrutbot is an end to end solution to all recruitment needs.

Requirement Parsing to Sourcing resumes and applications from emails and job portals to profiling and evaluating shortlisted candidates by speaking with them.

Rekrutbot does it all, without costing a bomb!

Built on derived recruitment expertise, coded into complex AI algorithms that created a conversational AI capable of holding contextual and emotional conversations. REKRUTBOT adds context and meaning to conversation while sticking to the objective and intent of the conversation.

In short, it is AI, Machine learning coming to life, just to rescue you and your dreams from the monotony and chaos of recruiting.??

Would you rather pause your growth and hire the traditional way?


Focus on your core offering and let Rekrutbot do the hiring for you?

The answer is simple- Request a DEMO NOW



