Build strength and maintain a strong immune system
We know that you are directly or indirectly being affected by the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in all aspects of life, and we share your concerns about public health, safety and economic challenges during this uncertain time. We continue to take comprehensive measures to protect the health of our personnel and each of our members.
Our Studio is a safe and healthy place for building strength and maintaining a strong immune system. Unless directed by a government agency or if conditions warrant it, our Studio will remain open. We encourage our members to maintain their weekly workouts, if at all possible, as it is one of the best ways to protect against the impact of the coronavirus and many other diseases, through supporting a strong immune system. David Nieman, a professor and director of the Human Performance Lab at Appalachian State University stated in Time magazine, "Your immune system needs activity to do its job better…every time you exercise, you increase the circulation of important immune cells”. The fit20 workout not only strengthens your overall health, it specifically supports improving your ability to fight viruses.
"Your immune system needs activity to do its job better…every time you exercise, you increase the circulation of important immune cells”
David Nieman, director of the Human Performance Lab at Appalachian State University
If you have friends or family that are not currently focusing on strength training in a safe environment to support a strong immune system, invite them for a Free Introductory Training session. Remind them that there are no group trainings, no waiting with groups, no wet areas, a 17-18 Celcius degree environment to prevent sweating, and all equipment is disinfected after each use.
Together we can be prepared for healthier lives even amid troubling times. Please avoid group gatherings, wash your hands frequently and stay aware of advancing developments.
If you have any questions about how fit20 can help you with you strength and immunity, get in touch directly.
Matt Appleby, fit20 Stocksbridge
call us on 0114 4811 000 | text us on 07520 633 006 | email us at [email protected]