Build Rapport
Kevin Fream
America's Cyberist Helping Financial & Professional Services Avoid Loss, Improve Business, and Eliminate Doubt
T - Minus 80 Days
At approximately 4:05pm CDT, a CPA from New Jersey called yesterday while I was on another call.
5 minutes later I called Mohammad back and he says, "I'm looking to buy Windows Server 2022 Standard, can you sell me that?"
He went on to say he called 6 other partners with no response, and he found us by our Micrsoft Partner Profile on AppSource.
"I guess the marketing works", I said and both of us laughed.
He wasn't on LinkedIn and there was no website, so I already knew he wasn't our best fit with a minimum 25 staff or $5 million in revenue.
I wasn't interested in selling some product, only telling the story to help.
You buy Microsoft software through a Cloud Solution Provider now period. If you're not dealing with a Direct CSP with competency and security requirements, then you're with some reseller that just takes the 3% commission for Microsoft Online Services from some unknown third-party distributor.
I explained he should by the perpetual license giving the SKU number in an e-mail and that it made no sense to pay a monthly subscription. Also, that you can have multiple CSPs and don't have to switch to just one.
Mohammad said he was going to call his Canadian CSP to see if they could help, which just brought up more questions in my mind - like FTC Safeguards.
Regardless, we solved a problem, and he could make an informed decision - maybe he'll remember the experience and where he got the advice.
Daily Mission:?Practice building rapport with all of your interactions today.
For more thought leadership, follow?Kevin Fream.