John Maxwell Quoted this “Everything rises and fall on leadership” and this is true! In any kind of organization you need to develop a right leader to sustain your organization. One of the gifts of our Feast Builder is his ability to spot a potential leader and he is very good in one on one discipleship.
I remember Bro. Rex Robillos said that He just copied what his mentor taught him to duplicate his leadership because he always think that he will not stay on that leadership position for a long time. In fact, he’s willing to pass his baton on the next possible leaders in our community that’s why He created the F.I.L (Feast Imus Leaders).
FIL is a group of men that Bro. Rex chose to be his next leaders for the coming years that is aligned to his dream of building multiple Feasts all around Cavite. He believes that he cannot do it all alone, he needs a TEAM who will help him side by side.
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Praying For you always,
Adrian Milag