Build A Healthy Work Environment
There are a lot of factors that go into building a healthy work environment in your small business that will provide you increased productivity from your employees. A healthy work environment is one that gives your employees both a mentally and physically safe workspace. Studies have shown more than 50% of employees feel some level of stress in their workplace which results in them leaving their positions.
When a person spends the majority of their day at work, they need it to be in a healthy environment. Healthy work environments are crucial to a person's mental well-being as well as their physical well-being. A happy employee will not only be more productive, but their stress levels will also decrease and they will be more likely to stay in your employment.
If you are looking for improved employee satisfaction and a healthier place for them to work, these are some tips for building a healthy work environment in your company.
1. Encourage Collaboration
Encourage your employees to work as a team towards a common goal. You could create projects for teams to work together on because when a person is part of a team, they feel more motivated to be productive.
2. Create a Comfortable Workplace
If your workplace is comfortable for employees, they feel better about communicating. This communication can lead to employees sharing their concerns and ideas openly. Holding team meetings on a regular basis is a great way to establish this type of communication with your employees.
3. Create a Positive Work-Life Balance
All your employees should be encouraged to take time for themselves outside of work. This time could include spending time with friends and family, hobbies, or taking a vacation. If you offer your employees flexible work hours or allow them to perform work at home if possible, it will open up time for themselves and the ability to enjoy a positive work-life balance.
4. Recognize and Reward Good Performance
When you recognize an employee's hard efforts and show this through open acknowledgment, you boost the whole team's spirits. When someone is rewarded for doing a good job, or when other employees see a team member rewarded for good work, everyone gets a boost in their spirits as they see themselves as important to your small business's success.
You can create a system by setting milestones where employees will be rewarded when they reach the goal. You don't have to invest much in the rewards, they can be treated to a cup of coffee, a paid lunch, maybe even a paid hour off of work one day, anything small and simple to reward good performance and boost morale.
5. Bring Plants Into the Workplace
Plants create a healthier and more comfortable workplace. Bringing plants into your workplace improves your air quality especially if your business suffers from dry, stuffy air. Having plants in the workplace also creates a more cheerful environment and helps put people into a happier mood. You don't want too many, just enough to strategically place around the area such as on shelves or tables.
6. Make Sure Your Workplace has Clean Air
An essential piece in creating a healthy work environment is to make sure the air your employees are breathing is clean. Poor air quality interrupts concentration and could inflict physical harm. While changing carpeting or furniture may not be possible for your small business in changing air quality, there are things you can do, such as adding air purifiers with HEPA filters. These purifiers catch and filter dirt particles and improve the air you and your employees breathe.
How to Hire Employees for Your Small Business
Grow Simply can help your small business find the right talent so you can thrive and grow. We perform background checks and screening on applicants to ensure they list valid information and do not have a history that could potentially harm your small business. Contact Grow Simply and learn how we can help find the right new hires to fit into your company's culture.